【简答题】 报表编制的基本要点是什么?
【简答题】 侧踹腿的动作要点是什么?
【单选题】 头脑风暴法属于CIS的()。
①  预算方法
②  调研方法
③  创意技法
④  推行方法
【简答题】 什么是平行登记法?平行登记法的要点是什么?
【单选题】 系统结构化分析和设计的要点是什么?
①  由顶向下
②  由底向上
③  集中
④  分散平等
【单选题】 下列关于头脑风暴法,不正确的是( )。
①  相关专家或人员各自发表自己的意见,对别人的建议不作评论
②  所发表的建议必须要深思熟虑
③  鼓励独立思考、奇思妙想
④  可以补充完善已有的建议
【单选题】 如果小型团队利用电子头脑风暴法开会,收效不一定高。这体现了电子头脑风暴法的哪个缺点?
①  效率受规模限制
②  社会互动减少
③  权威损失
④  缺乏赞许
【单选题】 头脑风暴法是一种发挥人们创造力的方法,在使用头脑风暴法的过程中,人们应遵循的原则是。
①  人员都应该是专家
②  能够进行批评
③  提出较多数量的想法
④  人员越少越好
【单选题】 头脑风暴法是一种发挥人们创造力的方法,在使用头脑风暴法的过程中,人们应遵循的原则是
①  人员都应该是专家
②  能够进行批评
③  人员越少越好
④  提出较多数量的想法
【单选题】 在“头脑风暴”的实施过程中,要求参与者不能给提反对意见,是践行以下哪项规则。
①  自由畅想
②  延迟评判
③  以量求质
④  以量求质
【单选题】 The secretary and principal ___ at the meeting now.
①  are speaking
②  is speaking
③  were making a speech
④  have a speech
【单选题】 “If anybody ___, please put down ___ name,” said the teacher to the monitor.
①  ?wants to buy the book/his
②  ?want to buy the book/their
③  ?will buy the book/one’s
④  ?wants to have the book bought/her
【单选题】 The rich ___ not always happy.
①  are
②  is
③  will
④  may
【单选题】 About 60 percent of the students ___ from the south, the rest of them ___ from the north and foreign countries.
①  are/is
②  are/are
③  is/are
④  are
【单选题】 Now Tom with his classmates ___ football on the playground.
①  play
②  are playing
③  plays
④  is playing
【单选题】 Comrade Li Dazhao,___ librarian of Beijing University, was one of the founders of the Chinese Communist Party.
①  sometimes
②  sometime
③  some times
④  some time
【单选题】 At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia s waving, but then it __ his mind that she was trying to tell him something.
①  crossed
②  passed
③  occurred
④  opened
【单选题】 If there were no subjunctive mood, English ___ much easier.
①  will be
②  would have been
③  could have been
④  would be
【单选题】 The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
①  stopped
②  failed
③  missed
④  ceased
【单选题】 If it ___ next week, the crops would be saved.
①  rains
②  will rains
③  would rain
④  should rain