“不学礼,无以立”出自( )。
【单选题】 我国古代思想家着重探讨了伦理问题,其中孔子、墨子、孟子、荀子的理论依次是( )
【判断题】 荀子和孟子对人性都做过探讨。孟子认为人性恶,故能学习,荀子认为人性善,所以必须学习。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “礼之用,和为贵”出自《论语》。
【单选题】 “克己复礼”出自哪本书?
①  《论语》
②  《孟子》
③  《诗经》
④  《春秋》
【判断题】 至圣是孔子,亚圣是孟子,他们合称孔孟
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “礼者,贵贱有等,长幼有差,贫富轻重,皆有称者也”出自( )。
①  荀子
②  孔子
③  老子
④  孟子
【多选题】 下列出自孔子之言的是
①  “人而无信,不知其可也。”
②  “好学近乎知。”
③  “恭敬之心,礼之端也。”
④  “躬自厚而薄责于人。”
【单选题】 “道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”出自(  )。
①  《论语》
②  《庄子》
③  《尚书》
④  《孟子》
【单选题】 “学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”体现了孔子的教育理念是()
①  A、有教无类
②  B、因材施教
③  C、独立思考
④  D、学思结合
【单选题】 “学而不思,则罔;思而不学,则殆”出自《论语》哪一章?
①  公冶长
②  阳货
③  宪问
④  为政
【单选题】 TOEFL is a test for students __________ native language is not English.
①  that
②  of whom
③  whose
④  which
【单选题】 __________ all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it.
①  As for
②  Besides
③  Except
④  Despite
【单选题】 That was so serious a matter that I had no choice but __________ the police.
①  called in
②  calling in
③  call in
④  to call in
【单选题】 Well done. Congratulations on your success.
①  Thank you very much
②  Oh, no, no
③  No, I didn’t do very well
④  Sorry, I couldn’t any better
【单选题】 Good morning, sir. May I help you?
①  No, I don’t buy anything
②  No, I don’t need your help
③  Yes, I need some sugar
④  Oh, no. That’s OK
【单选题】 I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.
①  Thank you. You shouldn’t’ do that
②  Thanks, I’d like to go with you
③  No, you can’t say so
④  No, no, You can’t do that
【单选题】 He’s determined to finish the job __________ long it takes.
①  no matter
②  however
③  wherever
④  whatever
【单选题】 -- Could I speak to John Harris, please.
①  Oh, how are you
②  I’m John
③  I’m listening
④  Speaking
【单选题】 Why don’t you travel to New York on vacation?
①  I don’t want to go
②  Excuse me, because I can’t
③  I want to, but I haven’t got enough money
④  Because I’m going to school today
【单选题】 Could you help me with my homework, please?
①  No, no way
②  No, I couldn’t
③  No, I can’t
④  Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now