【单选题】 副根管多见于()
①  切牙
②  尖牙
③  前磨牙
④  磨牙
⑤  多生牙
【单选题】 子宫破裂多见于
①  经产妇和多产妇
②  初产妇
③  初产妇和经产妇
④  初产妇和多产妇
【单选题】 恶寒发热多见于
①  外感表证
②  半表半里证
③  阳明病
④  疟疾
⑤  里实热证
【单选题】 发生于上肺野的圆形病灶多见于()。
①  A.肺癌
②  B.结核球
③  C.肺炎
④  D.肺脓肿
【单选题】 血小板增多见于
①  再生障碍性贫血
②  急性溶血
③  脾功能亢进
④  药物中毒
⑤  尿毒症
【单选题】 尿蛋白(++),最多见于
①  高温环境
②  剧烈运动
③  肾脏器质性病变
④  肾淤血
⑤  高血压病
【单选题】 大叶性肺炎多见于
①  青壮年
②  老年人
③  婴幼儿
④  青少年
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 里急后重多见于
①  癃闭
②  消渴病
③  五更泻
④  淋证
⑤  痢疾
【单选题】 间歇性跛行多见于( )
①  血栓性静脉炎并小腿溃疡
②  深静脉血栓形成
③  下肢动脉栓塞
④  末端小动脉痉挛症
⑤  血栓闭塞性脉管炎
【单选题】 中性粒细胞增多见于
①  百日咳
②  糖尿病酮症酸中毒
③  自身免疫性疾病
④  脾功能亢进
⑤  伤寒
【单选题】 “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need___ to read through it.”
①  other three minutes
②  another three minutes
③  three other minutes
④  more three minutes
【单选题】 ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
①  Hardly had he begun
②  No sooner had he begun
③  Not until began
④  Scarcely did he begin
【单选题】 13. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was always ____; as an adult, though, my room is always neat..
①  tidy
②  orderly
③  mess
④  untidy
【单选题】 Women have to be more ____ than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.
①  difficult
②  ambitious
③  traditional
④  conservative
【单选题】 24. The kind-hearted woman always tries to help others, but recently she has been ____kind and generous.
①  chiefly
②  specially
③  principally
④  especially
【单选题】 When the passenger woke up, he found himself ____in a hospital ward.
①  lie
②  lay
③  lying
④  lain
【单选题】 Never get off the bus ____it has stopped.
①  if
②  as soon as
③  until
④  or
【单选题】 He should get used by now ____ Chinese food.?
①  to eating ?
②  to eat ?
③  for eating ?
④  eatin?
【单选题】 2. As time went on, he found himself ____ with the toughest job she had ever taken.
①  face
②  faced
③  facing
④  to face
【单选题】 He came to the meeting ____ his serious illness.
①  inspite of
②  in spite
③  despite of
④  despite