【简答题】 名词解释:骨单位
【单选题】 与上颌骨额突相连接的骨是额骨、鼻骨和()
①  颧骨
②  颞骨
③  泪骨
④  梨骨
⑤  对侧上颌骨额突
【单选题】 与下颌骨骨骨折移位无关因素是
①  骨折部位
②  外力大小和方向
③  骨折线方向和倾斜度
④  出血、肿胀及颌骨本身的重量
【单选题】 骨的构造与功能叙述错误的是
①  A.骨由骨膜、骨密质、骨髓、神经、血管构成
②  B.长骨由骨干、骨骺和骺软骨构成
③  C.骺软骨细胞的不断分裂增殖使骨长长
④  D.骨膜的成骨细胞的不断分裂增殖使骨长粗 E.骨是钙磷的贮藏
⑤  库,参与钙磷的代谢调节
【单选题】 下列颌骨骨髓炎中易形成大块死骨的是
①  化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎急性期
②  化脓性中央性颌骨骨髓炎慢性期
③  化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎急性期
④  化脓性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎慢性期
【单选题】 短管骨骨干结核多发于
①  5岁以下儿童
②  10-20岁
③  30-40岁
④  40-50岁
⑤  60岁以上
【单选题】 2.骨的大体解剖叙述错误的是
①  A.长骨内才有骨髓腔,短骨、扁骨、不规则骨内没有骨髓腔
②  B.骨松质间隙内终生是红骨髓
③  C.骨表面的突起和凹陷各有名称,如转子、结节、滑车沟、髋臼
④  D.骨上的孔是血管和神经通过的地方
⑤  E.心小骨、阴茎骨属于躯干骨
【单选题】 破坏期可有大块死骨形成,修复期有大量新骨形成的病变是
①  牙源性中央性颌骨骨髓炎
②  牙源性边缘性颌骨骨髓炎
③  颌骨放射性骨坏死
④  牙源性上颌窦炎
【单选题】 关于牙源性中央性颌骨骨髓炎,下列哪种说法不对
①  常能看到病源牙
②  骨破坏边界清楚,周围骨密度高
③  可见死骨形成
④  可见袖口状骨膜反应
【单选题】 骨的基本结构包括
①  骨干和骺
②  骨板和骨小梁
③  骨质、骨膜和骨髓
④  密质骨和松质骨
⑤  内、外板和板障
【单选题】 Then Johnny reached quickly ______ the other pot, vigorously boiling on the stove.
①  down
②  out
③  for
④  to
【单选题】 The game was fixed for today but it has been____ for a week.
①  transfered
②  delayed
③  translated
④  postponed
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused ____ the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 I’ m going to do all I can to____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.
①  move
②  remove
③  shift
④  transform
【单选题】 Ill go out for a walk after supper if it____ rain.
①  didnt
②  wont
③  isnt
④  doesnt
【单选题】 Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
①  is to be analysed
②  has been analysed
③  be analysed
④  should have been analysed
【单选题】 We feel it is high time that the Government ____ something to check the inflation.
①  did
②  do
③  should do
④  would do
【单选题】 She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
①  the way
②  in the way
③  a way
④  to the way
【单选题】 You should have put the milk into the icebox, I expect it ____ undrinkable.
①  became
②  had become
③  has become
④  becomes
【单选题】 The students expected there ____ more reviewing classes before the final exams.
①  is
②  being
③  have been
④  to be