染料工人发生职业性膀胱癌与下列物质有关的是( )
【单选题】 对黄曲霉素说法正确的是
①  是大多数真菌的代谢产物
②  结构类似二呋喃香豆素
③  大部分中药材都要检查此项目
④  桃仁不需要检查黄曲霉素
⑤  苦杏仁需要检查黄曲霉素
【单选题】 氯乙烯引起的职业性肿瘤是( )
①  肝血管肉瘤
②  膀胱癌
③  肺癌
④  皮肤癌
【多选题】 法定的黄曲霉素检查法包括
①  HPLC法
②  TLC法
③  GC法
⑤  GC-MS法
【单选题】 以下药物不检查黄曲霉素的是
①  甘草
②  大枣
③  决明子
④  桃仁
⑤  陈皮
【判断题】 黄曲霉素是致癌的,所以要严格控制
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 中国药典规定下列哪些药物需要检查黄曲霉素
①  胖大海
②  黄芪
③  党参
④  酸枣仁
⑤  远志
【单选题】 中国药典收载的黄曲霉素检查法有几种
①  1种
②  2种
③  3种
④  4种
⑤  5种
【单选题】 放置时间较长、保管不善的()中易产生黄曲霉素,不能食用
①  水果
②  肉类
③  花生仁
④  蔬菜
【单选题】 膀胱癌的CT检查,不能显示
①  突入膀胱内的肿瘤
②  输尿管开口肿瘤阻塞
③  膀胱壁局部浸润增厚
④  肿瘤侵入黏膜或黏膜下层的深度
⑤  精囊、前列腺和盆腔内邻近组织受侵
【单选题】 诊断膀胱癌最主要检查方法是( )
①  尿脱落细胞检查
②  膀胱镜检查必要时活检
③  膀胱双合诊
④  B超
⑤  静脉尿路造影
【单选题】 Fulfilling one’s true potential requires setting appropriate goals and exerting theto accomplish them.
①  self-criticism
②  self-doubt
③  self-discipline
④  self-employment
【单选题】 The comedian left behind an impressive andbody of work, making himself a cultural icon.
①  timeless
②  tasteless
③  tireless
④  thoughtless
【单选题】 Scientists are hoping for ain the search for a cure for cancer.
①  breakthrough
②  breakdown
③  breakup
④  breakout
【单选题】 Ia toast to the friendship between the peoples of the two countries.
①  compose
②  impose
③  propose
④  oppose
【单选题】 When we returned, the party wasand the dance floor was crowded.
①  in full swing
②  in full view
③  in full cry
④  in full bloom
【单选题】 Mr. Kent is one of those happy people whopleasure from helping others.
①  deceive
②  deprive
③  devise
④  derive
【单选题】 The Analectscontains passages thatand arouse readers’ minds.
①  inspire
②  expire
③  aspire
④  conspire
【单选题】 How they transport players from hotels to grounds is now the biggest point.
①  at large
②  atfault
③  at ease
④  at issue
【单选题】 Imitation is the highest form of flattery. So when a person follows or matches your body language, it signals they areyou.
①  in accountwith
②  in comparisonwith
③  in conflictwith
④  in sync with
【单选题】 Some drugs cause blurred vision and changes in color, or increased tears.
①  reception
②  perception
③  conception
④  deception