【单选题】 输精管结扎常选部位是
①  睾丸部
②  精索部
③  输精管壶腹
④  腹股沟管部
⑤  盆部
【单选题】 输精管结扎的部位在
①  输精管睾丸部
②  输精管壶腹部
③  输精管精索部
④  输精管腹股沟管部
【单选题】 临床上行输精管结扎术常用的部位是()
①  睾丸部
②  精索部
③  腹股沟管部
④  盆部
⑤  前列腺部
【单选题】 男性生殖器输精管道不包括
①  附睾
②  尿道
③  睾丸
④  射精管
⑤  输精管
【单选题】 根初生维管组织木质部和韧皮部的排列是( )。
①  内外排列
②  散生
③  相间排列
④  不规则排列
【单选题】 根初生维管组织木质部和韧皮部的排列是( )。
①  内外排列
②  散生
③  相间排列
④  不规则排列
【单选题】 输卵管结扎术的常选部位是
①  输卵管漏斗
②  输卵管壶腹
③  输卵管峡
④  子宫部
⑤  输卵管伞
【单选题】 输卵管结扎术的常选部位是()
①  输卵管子宫部
②  输卵管峡
③  输卵管壶腹
④  输卵管漏斗
⑤  输卵管伞
【判断题】 维管束是指由木质部、韧皮部和形成层组成的束状分布的维管组织。(   )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 关于腹股沟管描述,正确的是
①  位于腹股沟韧带的下方
②  腹股沟管浅环位于耻骨联合的下方
③  腹股沟管深环位于耻骨结节上方
④  男性有精索通过
⑤  经它伸入阴囊的疝为腹股沟直疝
【单选题】 8.She no longer has that______ smile as before, but instead carries the sad look of a mother who has just lost her son.
①  careless
②  carefree
③  interested
④  sick
【单选题】 15. He was determined to cross _____of the Atlantic Ocean by sailing westwards.
①  dangerous water
②  the dangerous water
③  the dangerous waters
④  dangerous waters
【单选题】 25. I object ________ being kept waiting. Why are you always late ________ appointments?
①  /;for
②  to; for
③  in; for
④  to; in
【单选题】 18.The garage deals_____ gasoline, oil ,etc. t
①  with
②  in
③  for
④  about
【单选题】 9.He is far ______in sports than I am.
①  more interested
②  more interesting
③  as interested
④  as interesting
【单选题】 5.Ten minutes later a taxi ______ in front of the house, where we had arranged to meet.
①  pulled out
②  . pulled up
③  pulled down
④  pulled off
【单选题】 19.The church is the _____building in the town.
①  eldest
②  ancient
③  oldest
④  old
【单选题】 29. I remember __________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.
①  to be paid
②  get paid
③  that I receive pay
④  being paid
【单选题】 10. The coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______.
①  strong
②  heavier
③  stronger
④  heavy
【单选题】 24.Don’t worry about Susan. She hasn’t been _____________ she pretends.
①  as lucky as
②  as unlucky as