【单选题】 颌骨内最常见的牙源性囊肿是
①  牙源性角化囊肿
②  含牙囊肿
③  萌出囊肿
④  成人龈囊肿
⑤  根尖囊肿
【单选题】 含牙囊肿与萌出囊肿的共同上皮来源为
①  牙板上皮剩余
②  Malassez上皮剩余
③  牙龈上皮
④  缩余釉上皮
⑤  Serres上皮剩余
【单选题】 哪种囊肿属于牙源性囊肿()
①  球上颌囊肿
②  鼻腭囊肿
③  鼻唇囊肿
④  正中囊肿
⑤  角化囊肿
【单选题】 含牙囊肿的定义是
①  囊壁包含一个未萌出牙的牙根
②  囊壁包含一个发育异常的牙体
③  囊壁包含一个未萌出的牙体
④  囊壁包含一个已萌出牙的牙根
⑤  囊壁包含一个未萌出牙的牙冠
【单选题】 易复发可恶变的颌骨囊肿是
①  根端囊肿
②  始基囊肿
③  含牙囊肿
④  角化囊肿
【单选题】 以下关于含牙囊肿的说法正确的是
①  囊肿含牙多为乳牙
②  复层扁平上皮衬里
③  衬里上皮较厚
④  囊肿多发生于牙冠形成之前
⑤  来源于牙板上皮剩余
【单选题】 颌骨囊肿X线
①  下颌骨体有大小不等的多房阴影
②  下颌骨内有单房透明阴影,四周有白色骨质线
③  颌骨内虫蚀状骨质破坏区,四周骨质可有破坏
④  下颌角见骨质疏松脱钙,并有骨质增生
【单选题】 以下属于非牙源性囊肿的是
①  含牙囊肿
②  根尖周囊肿
③  鼻腭管囊肿
④  牙龈囊肿
⑤  萌出囊肿
【单选题】 角化囊肿好发于()
①  上颌前牙区
②  上颌磨牙区
③  上颌尖牙区
④  下颌升支及磨牙区
⑤  下颌前牙区
【单选题】 根尖囊肿的诊断要点除外
①  牙髓活力正常,不松动
②  根管内有浅黄透明囊液
③  镜下囊液中胆固醇结晶
④  X线透射区周边白线围绕
⑤  压迫邻牙,使邻牙牙根吸收或使邻牙移位现象
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 Our master, who is an experienced teacher, is expert in ( ) students to seek knowledge themselves.
①  discouraging
②  criticizing
③  motivating
④  forcing
【单选题】 As pioneers, ( ) from around the globe are making deep-space journeys.
①  astronauts
②  astronomers
③  astrophysicist
④  astrologers
【单选题】 My daughter is really fond of the ( ) of the curtain in her bedroom which she chose herself.
①  drawing
②  pattern
③  style
④  design
【单选题】 They?()to have a 40%?worldwide?market?share.
①  clean
②  want
③  claim
④  classify
【单选题】 What is their main () of income?
①  source
②  origin
③  save
④  order
【单选题】 The secretary was a vain and () man.
①  healthy
②  wise
③  kind
④  pompous
【单选题】 Mr. Smith is said to be ( ) to the new branch of the company in Paris.
①  transplanted
②  transferred
③  transformed
④  transmitted
【单选题】 We’ve had an() amount of help from people
①  engage
②  encounter
③  entertain
④  enormous
【单选题】 Dont () damage on any person.
①  inflight
②  inflict
③  include
④  incline