【单选题】 容易引起四环素染色牙的药物,不包括()
①  四环素
②  土霉素
③  氯霉素
④  强力霉素
⑤  A+B
【单选题】 四环素牙主要受累部位是
①  牙髓
②  牙釉质矿化不良
③  牙骨质
④  牙本质
⑤  釉牙本质界
【单选题】 四环素用于( )
【单选题】 四环素牙在VitapanclassicalVacuum比色板中属于()
①  A组
②  B组
③  C组
④  D组
⑤  A/B组
【单选题】 对四环素敏感的病原是()。
①  病毒
②  植原体
③  细菌
④  真菌
【单选题】 使用四环素治疗无效的是( )
【多选题】 四环素类的不良反应有()
①  A胃肠道反应
②  B神经系统毒性反应
③  C二重感染
④  D影响骨及牙的发育
【单选题】 对四环素的抗菌作用机制是
①  影响胞浆膜的通透性
②  与核糖体30s亚基结合,抑制蛋白质的合成
③  与核糖体50s亚基结合,抑制移位酶的活性
④  与核糖体50s亚基结合,抑制肽酰基转移酶的活性
⑤  特异性抑制依赖于DNA的RNA多聚酶活性
【判断题】 链霉素和庆大霉素都具有Elson-Morgan反应。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 四环素类作为首选药不用于
①  立克次体病
②  支原体感染
③  衣原体感染
④  布氏杆菌病
⑤  金葡菌所致的急、慢性骨髓炎
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is friendship and loyalty?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  literal meaning
④  labeled meaning.
【单选题】 What does it mean to know a word?
①  know its pronunciation and stress
②  know its spelling and grammatical properties
③  know its meaning and know when and how to use it
④  all of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 What do the following examples indicate? Big, huge; enormous, immense; male, masculine .
①  synonyms
②  antonyms
③  hyponyms
④  collocations.
【单选题】 What is referred to if we say “see a movie, watch a play, look at a picture”?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  collocations
④  synonyms.
【单选题】 What are two categories of vocabulary?
①  Receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary
②  innate vocabulary and learned vocabulary
③  familiar vocabulary and unfamiliar vocabulary
④  new vocabulary and old vocabulary.
【单选题】 What are two grammar practice activities?
①  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
②  Volume practice and communicative practice
③  Interest practice and meaningful practice
④  Mechanical practice and success oriented practice.
【单选题】 What are two broad categories of knowledge?
①  Implicit knowledge and explicit knowledge
②  Obvious knowledge and unobvious knowledge
③  Inductive knowledge and deductive knowledge
④  Refereed knowledge and inferred knowledge.
【单选题】 Which of the following steps are typical for the deductive grammar teaching method?
①  Give examples→explain rules→students do practice activities
②  Authentic language data is provided→induces learners to realize grammar rules→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the inductive method)
③  Explicit rules are give to students→Authentic language data is provided→apply the new structure to produce sentences (the guided discovery method)
④  All of the above.