【单选题】 可用于治疗类风湿关节炎的药物不包括()。
①  免疫抑制剂
③  糖皮质激素
④  生物制剂和植物药制剂
⑤  抗结核药
【单选题】 类风湿关节炎的特点
①  游走性大关节疼痛
②  远端之间关节疼痛、骨性膨大
③  大小关节均可受累,很少有关节畸形
④  对称性小关节受累,晚期有关节畸形
⑤  好发于下肢关节,如膝、踝关节,非对称性关节疼痛
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮主要损害哪个脏器
【单选题】 系统性红斑狼疮的发病与下列哪项无关
①  遗传因素
②  病毒感染
③  紫外线
④  雌激素
⑤  败血症
【单选题】 类风湿关节炎的基本病理改变是
①  滑膜炎
②  软骨变性
③  韧带、肌腱附着点炎
④  类风湿血管炎
⑤  骨质增生
【单选题】 下列系统性红斑狼疮的临床特点中错误的是
①  蝶形红斑和盘状红斑具有特征性
②  关节痛和肌痛是其常见症状
③  可导致脱发
④  脾脏肿大为主要体征
⑤  常导致心包炎
【单选题】 下列与类风湿关节炎病情活动无关的是
①  晨僵
②  关节肿胀
③  关节畸形
④  血沉增快
⑤  发热
【单选题】 不属于免疫抑制剂的是
①  环磷酰胺
②  硫唑嘌呤
③  肾上腺素
④  皮质激素
⑤  环孢素
【单选题】 类风湿关节炎最常见的肺部受累情况表现为
①  结节样病变
②  胸膜炎
③  肺动脉高压
④  感染性病变
⑤  肺间质病变
【单选题】 控制类风湿关节炎病情进展的药物是
①  阿司匹林
②  布洛芬
③  泼尼松
④  甲氨蝶呤
⑤  免疫球蛋白
【单选题】 Young drivers under 25 have the highest number of accidents while those over 50 have ______.
①  the less
②  the least
③  the fewer
④  the fewest
【单选题】 The novelist is a highly ______ person whose works appeal to many readers.
①  imaginable
②  imaginative
③  imaginary
④  imagined
【单选题】 The reason why he didn’t take the exam was _____ he had an accident on his way to the school.
①  because
②  because of
③  that
④  due to
【单选题】 Our Chinese tradition is quite different _____ we only want to defend our own country, not to invade other countries.
①  because
②  for
③  in that
④  that
【单选题】 Since you have already come, you _____ stay here for a couple of days.
①  might well
②  might as well
③  might have to
④  might
【单选题】 I found the book you recommended in the library, ______ is missing.
①  the front cover of which
②  the front cover of that
③  that front cover
④  of what front cover
【单选题】 Malaysian Airlines lost an airplane on March 8 last year, _____ whereabouts still remains a mystery.
①  its
②  whose
③  their
④  the
【单选题】 Neither John nor his roommates _____ in the dormitory yesterday evening.
①  was
②  were
③  has been
④  had been
【单选题】 _____ you work hard enough _____ you be able to get a PhD degree in three years.
①  Only if, will
②  If only, would
③  Should, will
④  Unless, would
【单选题】 China hosted the Olympic Games in 2008, thus _____ her dream to be recognized as one of the greatest nations in the world.
①  having realized
②  realizing
③  realized
④  to realize