【单选题】 属于嘌呤类抗代谢的抗肿瘤药物是()。
①  甲氨蝶呤
②  米托蒽醌
③  巯嘌呤
④  紫杉醇
⑤  卡铂
【判断题】 抗肿瘤药氟脲嘧啶属于抗代谢抗肿瘤药物
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下哪类抗菌药物不是通过影响细菌叶酸代谢而发挥抗菌作用( )
①  青霉素类
②  头孢菌素类
③  大环内酯类
④  喹诺酮类
【单选题】 苯二氮?类口服后代谢最快作用最强的药物是
①  劳拉西泮
②  地西泮
③  奥沙西泮
④  三唑仑
【单选题】 不属于氨基糖苷类的药物是
①  链霉素
②  诺氟沙星
③  庆大霉素
④  阿卡米星
⑤  奈替米星
【多选题】 属于苯丙二氮卓类的药物有
①  A、氯氮卓
②  B、苯巴比妥
③  C、地西泮
④  D、硝西泮
⑤  E、奥沙西泮
【单选题】 不属于烷化剂类的抗肿瘤药物的结构类型是()。
①  氮芥类
②  硝基咪唑类
③  亚硝基脲类
④  乙撑亚胺类
⑤  甲磺酸酯类
【单选题】 抗代谢类抗肿瘤药物的典型不良反应不包括( )。
①  骨髓功能抑制
②  口腔溃疡
③  胃肠道不良反应
④  肝损害
⑤  骨痛
【单选题】 不属于网站销售(转化率)类指标有( )
①  会员类指标
②  交易类指标
③  支付类指标
④  购物车类指标
⑤  下单类指标
【单选题】 氟尿嘧啶的主要不良反应是( )。
①  血尿、蛋白质
②  肝脏损害
③  胃肠道反应
④  过敏反应
⑤  神经毒性
【单选题】 在进行科目编码设置时,必须输入( )。
①  助记码
②  科目编码
③  外币
④  英文科目名称
【单选题】 —Is your grandmother getting well now?— .
①  Yes, she is much better now.
②  She gets up early.
③  She feels comfortable.
④  She is a lady.
【单选题】 —Is your grandmother getting well now?— .
①  Yes, she is much better now.
②  She gets up early.
③  She feels comfortable.
④  She feels sick.
【单选题】 This movie is ________ that one.
①  as more interesting as
②  as interesting as
③  too interesting to
【单选题】 The elderly people like those know them very well and give them respect.
①  which
②  who
③  that
④  where
【单选题】 I want to know________ .
①  what is his name
②  that his name is
③  what his name is
【单选题】 We consider it necessary ______ Tom should improve his behavior.
①  which
②  that
③  what
【单选题】 Do you mind me the window beside you.
①  to open
②  opening
③  open
④  opened
【单选题】 Lily is a good student except ________ she is a little bit careless.
①  where
②  which
③  that
【单选题】 Encouraging the elderly people to participate games is very important.
①  at
②  in
③  with
④  for