【判断题】 2018年美国经济总量约30万亿美元。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 30mg吗啡口服给药约相当于( )mg羟考酮口服给药
①  10
②  30
③  10~20
④  15~20
【单选题】 成人脊髓下端约平
①  第1骶椎体下缘
②  第2腰椎体下缘
③  第3腰椎体下缘
④  第1腰椎体下缘
⑤  第2骶椎体下缘
【单选题】 集合小管系全长约()
①  8-15mm
②  20-38mm
③  40-58mm
④  50-68mm
⑤  60-78mm
【单选题】 红细胞的平均寿命约()天
①  30
②  60
③  90
④  120
⑤  180
【单选题】 成人每天需要的能量约()
①  1600~1800kcal
②  1800~2000kcal
③  2000~2200kcal
④  2200~2400kcal
⑤  2400kcal以上
【单选题】 坡地每年流失土壤约_______。
①  A.1.2亿t
②  B.2.5亿t
③  C.2.1亿t
④  D.2.19亿t
【单选题】 50g食物蛋白质中含氮量约( )。
①  6g
②  8g
③  16g
④  36g
【单选题】 牙骨质含有机物和水约()
①  40%~45%
②  50%~55%
③  60%~65%
④  70%~75%
⑤  80%~85%
【单选题】 法约尔提出的原则有( )。
①  5项
②  6项
③  10项
④  14项
【单选题】 _______ by bus is slow and difficult in some districts.
①  Travel
②  Journey
③  Trip
【单选题】 Who _______ your pets when you are not at home?
①  takes care
②  looks care
③  takes care of
【单选题】 The food _______ we ate in the dining hall is very delicious.
①  where
②  which
③  who
【单选题】 My mother had me _______for her after class.
①  be waiting
②  waited
③  wait
【单选题】 Is she still angry _______what Tom has done?
①  to
②  with
③  about
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park _______ we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 He’s got an assignment in Tokyo, so he _______work abroad.
①  is going to
②  wants
③  would like to
【判断题】 A: How is the child? B: He is much better.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Tommy enjoys to study opera.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 It’s not safe to play on the road.
①  正确
②  错误