真菌检查阳性的是( )
【单选题】 只对浅表真菌感染如头癣、手足癣效佳的抗真菌抗生素是
①  克霉唑
②  制霉菌素
③  两性霉素B
④  灰黄霉素
⑤  氟胞嘧啶
【单选题】 水疱型手足癣的临床表现错误的是( )
①  足癣多为双侧发病,手癣多为单侧发病
②  好发部位是指(趾)之间,掌跖或手足缘
③  手足癣常扩大传染形成甲癣
④  典型表现是手掌足底出现深而密集成群的小水疱,不易自然破裂,剧痒
⑤  不易继发感染,更无发生脓疱的可能
【单选题】 荨麻疹的皮损特征是( )
①  结节
②  风团
③  疱疹
④  丘疹
⑤  囊肿
【单选题】 关于荨麻疹患者的用药注意事项和患者教育,错误的是( )。
①  宜清淡饮食
②  服用氯苯那敏后禁止开车
③  瘙痒时可以用热水洗烫
④  暂停使用肥皂
⑤  伴有血管性水肿的荨麻疹患者,可选用赛庚啶
【单选题】 以下治疗手足浅表性真菌感染的药物中,尤其适用于角化皲裂型足癣的处方药是( )。
①  特比萘芬
②  尿素
③  依沙吖啶
④  苯甲酸
⑤  十—烯酸
【单选题】 双下肢对称性紫癜伴荨麻疹者常见于()
①  过敏性紫癜
②  再生障碍性贫血
③  激素性紫癜
④  血小板减少
⑤  特发性血小板增多症
【单选题】 Q-T间期延长的荨麻疹患者不宜选用的抗过敏药是( )。
①  异丙嗪
②  苯海拉明
③  依巴斯汀
④  氯苯那敏
⑤  色甘酸钠
【单选题】 使用抗过敏药治疗荨麻疹的患者,拟进行变应原皮试的时间是在( )。
①  停用抗过敏药72~96小时后
②  停用所用药物之后
③  停用抗过敏药之后
④  停用抗过敏药36~48小时后
⑤  停用抗过敏药48~72小时后
【单选题】 手足抽筋说明?
①  血钙浓度太低
②  血钙浓度过高
③  钙磷比例不合适
④  与血钙浓度无关
【单选题】 对服用阿司匹林或其它非甾体抗炎药后引起哮喘、荨麻疹或过敏反应的患者禁用下列哪种药物
①  阿司匹林
②  醋氯芬酸片
③  布洛芬缓释胶囊
④  洛索洛芬钠片
【单选题】 24. The music sounded____. I enjoyed every minute of it
①  well
②  boring
③  wonderfully
④  beautiful
【单选题】 Julie has gained more experience than____ in her restaurant and the customers like her.
①  any waitress
②  other waitresses
③  the waitress
④  any other waitress
【单选题】 I eagerly answered all the questions, never ____ much about making mistakes.
①  worry
②  worried
③  worries
④  worrying
【单选题】 —Good morning, John. How are you doing?—____.
①  Im pleased.
②  Good night.
③  Not so bad. And you?
④  How do you do?
【单选题】 We often get ____ when people cut in line.
①  annoying
②  annoyed
③  to annoy
④  annoy
【单选题】 16. By using virtual reality programmes, it is possible to ____ deep into outer space without ever leaving Earth.
①  explore
②  find
③  escape
④  stay
【单选题】 Three-fourths of the homework ____ today.
①  has finished
②  has been finished
③  have finished
④  have been finished
【单选题】 Not until the early years of the 19th century ____ what heat is.
①  man knew
②  did man know
③  man did know
④  didn’t man know
【单选题】 The gate is too____ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. ?
①  shallow ?
②  loose ?
③  broad ?
④  narrow?
【单选题】 I’d like to ____ a single room at the holiday inn for two days.
①  serve
②  conserve
③  preserve
④  reserve