【单选题】 漏出液和渗出液形成机制正确的观点是
①  漏出液为多为局部炎症所致
②  渗出液为非炎性疾患所致
③  渗出液比重多小于1.018而漏出液比重大于1.018
④  粘蛋白定性渗出液多为阴性而漏出液多为阳性
⑤  漏出液总蛋白多小于25g/L而渗出液多大于30g/L
【单选题】 不符合渗出液者为
①  穿刺液自凝
②  呈现不同颜色或浑浊
③  比重1.018
④  Rivalta试验(-)
⑤  细胞数500×106/L
【单选题】 化脓性感染导致的渗出液,升高最明显的是
①  淋巴细胞
②  红细胞
③  嗜酸性粒细胞
④  中性粒细胞
⑤  间皮细胞
【单选题】 临床诊断为根尖囊肿的患牙,镜检其根管内渗出液应见到
①  含铁血黄素
②  上皮细胞
③  淋巴细胞
④  胆固醇结晶
⑤  多形核白细胞
【判断题】 出血性炎常伴发于其他类型渗出性炎时。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于渗出性炎症?
①  淋病
②  绒毛心
③  肾盂肾炎
④  菌痢
⑤  肠伤寒
【单选题】 龋损下方牙髓血管充血,血管通透性增加,液体渗出,组织水肿,有纤维蛋白渗出,此时称为
①  急性牙周脓肿
②  急性增生性牙髓炎
③  急性化脓性牙髓炎
④  急性浆液性根尖周炎
⑤  急性浆液性牙髓炎
【单选题】 哪一项不属于渗出性炎症?
①  浆液性炎
②  假膜性炎
③  化脓性炎
④  感染性肉芽肿性炎
⑤  出血性炎
【单选题】 哪一项不属于渗出性炎症?
①  浆液性炎
②  假膜性炎
③  化脓性炎
④  感染性肉芽肿性炎
⑤  出血性炎
【单选题】 从腹腔取出的液体,发现混浊黄色,比重大,白细胞数多,不久发生凝固。腹腔液体渗出的原因应为
①  心力衰竭
②  慢性肾炎
③  营养不良
④  门静脉高压
⑤  腹膜炎
【单选题】 There _____ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon.
①  is going to be
②  will have
③  are going to be
④  is going to have
【单选题】 A well written composition ____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
①  calls for
②  calls on
③  calls up
④  calls off
【单选题】 A large part of a person’s memory is ____ words and combination of words.
①  by means of
②  in terms of
③  in connection with
④  by way of
【单选题】 —Whydontwetakealittlebreak?—Didntwejusthave ______ .
①  it
②  that
③  one
④  this
【单选题】 Outside my office window there is a fire ____ on the right.
①  escape
②  ladder
③  steps
④  stairs
【单选题】 ____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been
【单选题】 He is unfair, _____ he?
①  is
②  isn’ t
③  does
④  doesn’ t
【单选题】 Anything that is ____ must be attended to immediately.
①  critical
②  essential
③  urgent
④  immense
【单选题】 Tom used to get up late, _____ he?
①  used
②  shouldn’ t
③  did
④  didn’ t
【单选题】 He_____ comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don’ t like it.
①  shall
②  may
③  will
④  can