【单选题】 冠状动脉的狭窄分为( )
①  3级
②  4级
③  5级
④  6级
【单选题】 64排CT应用于冠状动脉血管成像超过几年
①  7
②  8
③  9
④  10
⑤  11
【单选题】 何时做头部CT检查,诊断脑梗死阳性率较高
①  发病6小时
②  发病12小时
③  发病48小时
④  发病一周后
【判断题】 对乳腺癌的检查中,30岁以上妇女每年做一次临床检查,并进行X线检查。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 患者检查发现左肝肿块,随后行MRI检查。MRI检查相对于CT的优势不包括
①  软组织分辨率高
②  空间分辨率高
③  扫描时间短
④  有利于瘤内出血、脂肪变性以及包膜的观察
⑤  病灶检查率高
【单选题】 胃癌CT检查的价值在于
①  肿瘤分期
②  治疗计划制定
③  治疗效果评估
④  复查随访
⑤  以上均对
【单选题】 CT检查优于MR的为
①  急性颅内出血
②  急性脑梗死
③  动静脉畸形
④  脱髓鞘疾病
⑤  脑内肿瘤
【单选题】 冠状动脉CTA的优势是
①  显示冠脉的起源、走行及相邻组织结构相互之间的解剖关系
②  显示冠脉先天性解剖变异和畸形
③  显示冠状病变部位
④  显示冠脉病变的形态及病变程度
⑤  以上都正确
【单选题】 心绞痛预后最为严重的冠状动脉病变是
①  右冠状动脉后降支
②  左冠状动脉回旋支
③  右冠状动脉
④  左冠状动脉主干
⑤  左冠状动脉前降支
【单选题】 膀胱癌的CT检查,不能显示
①  突入膀胱内的肿瘤
②  输尿管开口肿瘤阻塞
③  膀胱壁局部浸润增厚
④  肿瘤侵入黏膜或黏膜下层的深度
⑤  精囊、前列腺和盆腔内邻近组织受侵
【单选题】 When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ____. ?
①  changing ?
②  to be changed ?
③  to change ?
④  changed ?
【单选题】 We have studied English for only one year, ____ we can perform English short play already.?
①  for ?
②  and ?
③  yet ?
④  or?
【单选题】 With the old man ____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.
①  leading
②  led
③  lead
④  to be led
【单选题】 How can he ____if he is not ____?
①  listen--hearing
②  hear--listening
③  be listening--heard
④  be hearing--listened to
【单选题】 Lily: Hello, John! What was the weather like yesterday?John: ____
①  I like nice and bright weather.
②  You don’t like cold weather, do you?
③  That was a favorable weather.
④  Nice and bright, not too cold.
【单选题】 10. Far away around the corner I could see a small female ____advancing towards us.
①  body
②  figure
③  man
④  symbol
【单选题】 It is often more difficult to find trained men than ____ for scientific research.
①  getting financial support
②  to getting financial support
③  to get financial support
④  in getting financial support
【单选题】 “Here is the money I promised,” he said. “I always ____ promises.”
①  agree
②  follow
③  make
④  keep
【单选题】 This advertisement is a ____ example of their marketing plan.
①  social
②  typical
③  natural
④  historical
【单选题】 The earth ____ heat and light from the sun.
①  takes on
②  takes in
③  absorbs in
④  picks out