【单选题】 肺炎患儿鼻前庭导管给氧,氧流量和氧浓度的选择是( )
①  氧流量0.5-1L/min,氧浓度<40%
②  氧流量2-4L/min,氧浓度<50%
③  氧流量5-6L/min,氧浓度<60%
④  氧流量7-8L/min,氧浓度<70%
【单选题】 口腔是否闭合对高流量氧疗的影响是:
①  口腔开放产生气道正压高
②  口腔开放产生气道正压低
③  口腔闭合产生气道正压低
④  无影响
【单选题】 鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度的计算方法是()
①  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度=4+氧流量
②  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+21+氧流量
③  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度(%)=21+4×氧流量(L/min)
④  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+氧流量(L/min)
⑤  鼻咽导管吸氧的氧浓度+21+氧流量
【单选题】 机械通气时,氧的吸入浓度一般从多少浓度开始
①  20-40%
②  40-60%
③  60-80%
④  80-100%
【单选题】 关于COPD氧疗以下哪项不正确
①  给予氧疗,使氧分压60mmHg
②  COPD氧疗应低流量
③  缓解期COPD患者PaO255mmHg可长期养疗
④  COPD患者氧疗应当高流量吸入
⑤  长期氧疗可改善COPD伴慢性呼吸衰竭患者的生存时间
【单选题】 氧疗的指征是()
①  发绀基本消失。神志清醒,精神状态好
②  血气分析满意,PaO<sub> 2</sub> 上升到60~70rmmHg,并保持稳定
③  无呼吸困难症状
④  循环稳定
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 纠正缺氧,高浓度供氧( ) L/min,以纠正缺氧。
①  2~6
②  4~6
③  2~4
④  4~8
【单选题】 严重的Ⅱ型呼衰,不能吸入高浓度氧,主要是因为
①  缺氧不是主要因素
②  可引起氧中毒
③  兴奋呼吸中枢,促进 CO2 排出过快,诱发呼碱
④  诱发代碱
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 停止氧疗的指征是()
①  发绀基本消失。神志清醒,精神状态好
②  血气分析满意,PaO<sub> 2</sub> 上升到60~70rmmHg,并保持稳定
③  无呼吸困难症状
④  循环稳定
⑤  以上都是
【单选题】 对重型或危重型新冠患者进行氧疗时,以下哪项表现不能提示氧疗有效( )
【单选题】 The epic Paradise Lost is based on the stories from _______.
①  The New Testament
②  The Old Testament
③  The Ancient Greek Myths
④  The Ancient Roman Myths
【单选题】 Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are the following works except ____.
①  Hamlet
②  King Lear
③  Romeo and Juliet
④  Othello
【单选题】 Which of the following is NOT true about The Canterbury Tales?
①  It is written in the form of a dream.
②  Chaucer chose a pilgrimage as the framework for the stories.
③  It is written for the greater part in heroic couplet.
④  “The General Prologue” introduces the pilgrims, the time and occasion of the pilgrimage.
【单选题】 Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, is composed in a form of____.
①  epics
②  lyrics
③  folk songs
④  sagas
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is friendship and loyalty?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  literal meaning
④  labeled meaning.
【单选题】 What does it mean to know a word?
①  know its pronunciation and stress
②  know its spelling and grammatical properties
③  know its meaning and know when and how to use it
④  all of the above.
【单选题】 Which of the following statement is not true about vocabulary?
①  a vocabulary item can be more than one word
②  Vocabulary can not be taught. It must be learned by the individuals
③  Words are best learned in context
④  An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students.
【单选题】 What meaning is referred to if we say the meaning of “dog” is an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  extended meaning
④  inspired meaning.
【单选题】 What do the following examples indicate? Big, huge; enormous, immense; male, masculine .
①  synonyms
②  antonyms
③  hyponyms
④  collocations.
【单选题】 What is referred to if we say “see a movie, watch a play, look at a picture”?
①  denotative meaning
②  connotative meaning
③  collocations
④  synonyms.