【单选题】 间质性肺疾病发生Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭最主要的机制是()
①  弥散功能障碍
②  通气/血流比例失调
③  氧耗量增加
④  肺动静脉分流
⑤  肺泡通气量下降
【单选题】 下列哪项不属于间质性肺疾病()
①  矽肺
②  肺脓肿
③  结节病
④  Wegener肉芽肿
⑤  肺泡蛋白质沉积症
【单选题】 患过敏性疾病和寄生虫病的病人,血液中明显增多的白细胞类型是()
①  中性粒细胞
②  嗜酸粒细胞
③  嗜碱粒细胞
④  单核细胞
⑤  淋巴细胞
【单选题】 严重性吸气性呼吸困难最主要的特点为
①  呼吸不规则
②  发绀明显
③  呼吸深而慢
④  出现三凹征
⑤  呼气缓慢
【单选题】 符合过敏性紫癜表现的是( )
①  小儿多发,常伴有腹痛,皮疹好发于小腿伸侧
②  小儿多发,常伴有腹痛,可发展为风湿性关节炎
③  皮疹好发于小腿伸侧,皮疹的直径在3厘米以上
④  皮疹的直径在3厘米以上,反复发作后病情加重
⑤  反复发作后病情加重,可发展为风湿性关节炎
【单选题】 急、慢性肾功能衰竭或糖尿病酮症酸中毒可引起下列哪种呼吸困难
①  吸气性呼吸困难
②  呼气性呼吸困难
③  混合性呼吸困难
④  心源性呼吸困难
⑤  中毒性呼吸困难
【单选题】 呼吸困难是指
①  剧烈运动时感到的一种气不够用的感觉
②  患者感到空气不足,呼吸费力
③  因气道狭窄而引起的气体吸入和呼出困难
④  因肺泡气体交换障碍引起的一种缺氧表现
⑤  因血含氧量降低引起的一种表现
【单选题】 心源性呼吸困难最先出现的是
①  急性肺水肿
②  夜间阵发性呼吸困难
③  劳力性呼吸困难
④  心源性哮喘
⑤  端坐呼吸
【单选题】 下列哪项不是呼吸困难的体征
①  鼻翼翕动
②  三角架姿势
③  呼吸性哮鸣
④  口唇青紫
【单选题】 过敏性紫癜最常见的临床类型为
①  腹型
②  关节型
③  紫癜型
④  肾型
【单选题】 A series of robberies _____recently.
①  has been reported
②  has reported
③  have been reported
④  have reported
【单选题】 An institution that properly carries the name university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education _____.
①  settlement
②  establishment
③  construction
④  structure
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables _____the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 A sheet of metal was shaken to _____ the sound of thunder.
①  stimulate
②  simulate
③  reproduce
④  duplicate
【单选题】 Feeling that she was in the right, she took _____at the dirty remark.
①  production
②  offense
③  defense
④  guard
【单选题】 The electric fan does not work because of the _____of service.
①  pause
②  break
③  interruption
④  breakdown
【单选题】 This is a _____ moment for our research. We should be careful.
①  critical
②  belt
③  conscience
④  copper
【单选题】 They have considered their high standard of living a(n) _____for practicing their basic beliefs.
①  award
②  reward
③  result
④  consequences
【单选题】 _____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure beause their motives are misunderstood by others.
①  Bur for
②  Except for
③  Apart from
④  Except that
【单选题】 My cousin Nancy is often in a poisonous mood; I suppose it’s because she is _____child.
①  one
②  a lone
③  a single
④  an only