下列关于阿拉伯人的说法正确的有( )。①阿拉伯数字是阿拉伯人对世界文化的独特贡献 ②创立了伊斯兰教 ③创立了文学名著《荷马史诗》 ④在东西方文化交流与传播中起了积极作用
【判断题】 机床的类代号用阿拉伯数字进行表示,该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 公文的成文日期可以用阿拉伯数字来标识。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 阿拉伯数字字符0对应的ASCII码值是______。
①  30
②  38
③  48
④  40
【单选题】 下列事件是穆罕默德所为的是( )。①创立伊斯兰教②建立政教合一的国家③基本统一阿拉伯半岛④将阿拉伯发展为跨越亚、欧、非三大洲的大帝
①  ③④
②  ①②③④
③  ①②③
④  ①②
【单选题】 叫多的保留了阿拉伯人饮食特色的回族清真菜大多分布在( )。
①  山东
②  西北
③  沿海地区
④  北京
【判断题】 转账支票的出票日期用阿拉伯数字书写即可。(  )
【单选题】 “阿拉伯之春”首先爆发于( )。
①  A.阿尔及利亚
②  B.利比亚
③  C.埃及
④  D.突尼斯
【判断题】 阿拉伯数字书写的顺序是由高位到低位、从左到右依次写出各位数字。
【判断题】 房屋建筑制图时,横向定位轴线编号用阿拉伯数字从左到右编写。 ()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 档案著录时,时间项一律用8位阿拉伯数字表示
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 16. By using virtual reality programmes, it is possible to ____ deep into outer space without ever leaving Earth.
①  explore
②  find
③  escape
④  stay
【单选题】 Three-fourths of the homework ____ today.
①  has finished
②  has been finished
③  have finished
④  have been finished
【单选题】 Not until the early years of the 19th century ____ what heat is.
①  man knew
②  did man know
③  man did know
④  didn’t man know
【单选题】 The gate is too____ for a car; we’ll have to walk through. ?
①  shallow ?
②  loose ?
③  broad ?
④  narrow?
【单选题】 I’d like to ____ a single room at the holiday inn for two days.
①  serve
②  conserve
③  preserve
④  reserve
【单选题】 27. The police are anxious to interview everyone ____ last night’s incident.
①  concerning
②  B. concerned about
③  concerned in
④  concerned for
【单选题】 John was going to ____ Mary by telling his friends how much weight she had gained.
①  essential
②  embarrass
③  elementary
④  consider
【单选题】 She picked ____ the little book and give it to him.
①  on
②  over
③  off
④  up
【单选题】 -I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes.- ____.
①  Of course
②  You’re welcome
③  Certainly not
④  Yes, I do
【单选题】 I’d____ it if you could offer me some advice on the task. ?
①  appreciate ?
②  afford ?
③  ask ?
④  admit ?