内部“顾客”的满意。( )
【单选题】 内部“顾客”的满意。( )
②  A.对
【单选题】 顾客对企业服务产品的核心层感到满意,这是顾客满意服务系统的 ( )层次。
①  物质满意
②  精神满意
③  社会满意
④  营销行为满意
【判断题】 在顾客满意模型中,顾客满意处于模型的边缘,顾客期望、感知期望、感知质量、感知价值共同决定了顾客满意,顾客满意决定顾客抱怨和顾客忠诚。该说法:( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 顾客满意实施的策略主要有:塑造“以客为尊”的经营理念、开发令顾客满意的产品、提供顾客满意的服务。( )
【单选题】 以下不属于内部顾客满意策划的具体内容的是( )
①  利益共享
②  尊重员工
③  有效竞争
【单选题】 顾客满意可以表现为两个层次:物质满意、精神满意。( )
②  .错
【单选题】 顾客满意度的追踪方法包括:投诉和建议制度、顾客满意调查、佯装购物者、分析流失的顾客。( )
【单选题】 顾客满意,又称( )
①  .CS战略
②  AS战略
③  .CIS战略
【单选题】 顾客满意战略策划的主要内容包括( )
①  顾客满意指标
②  顾客满意度
③  顾客满意的策划
④  以上都对
【判断题】 重复购买产品的顾客一定是满意的顾客。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 14. Mary is _______ to what others think of her.
①  sensitive
②  sensational
③  sensory
④  sensible
【单选题】 11 ______, they had no chance of winning.
①  brave as they fought
②  bravely as they fought
③  If they fought bravely
④  Since they fought bravely
【单选题】 15. She suffered great mental_____ after her husband died, and as a result she became mad.
①  anger
②  . discomfort
③  unhappiness
④  anguish
【单选题】 18. Strong feelings _____ within him.
①  opened
②  . welled up
③  rose up
④  confronted
【单选题】 13. The supervisor appreciates ______ so hard in the office.
①  for your working
②  your working
③  you to work
④  for you to work
【单选题】 10. ______, he was unable to make much progress.
①  Hard as he tried
②  Though hard as he tried
③  He tried hard
④  Because he tried hard
【单选题】 6. She felt herself ______ by the wind.
①  lift
②  lifting
③  has been lifted
④  lifted
【单选题】 9.She does not_____ that she owes the money, but she just wouldn’t like to return it.
①  argue
②  . dispute
③  think
④  agree
【单选题】 9. By 2008, Beijing ______ its total discharge of pollutants.
①  will reduce
②  will have reduced
③  reduces
④  has reduced
【单选题】 5. The children were seen _______ musical instruments across the street.
①  play
②  to play
③  playing
④  played