在局部压力作用下,局部受压区段,产生横向拉应力,当拉应力超过混凝土抗拉强度时,出现纵向裂缝,裂缝一旦出现,“套筒”作用大大( )。
【判断题】 为了限制纵向裂缝的出现和展开,增加“套筒”作用,在局部受压区段内可配置间接钢筋( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当截面上最大剪应力或最大主拉应力达到混凝土抗拉强度时,结构达到混凝土即将出现裂缝极限状态。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在靠近局部受压面附近,为横向拉力,此应力会使混凝土在局部承压时发生纵向裂缝而导致横向劈裂破坏( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 梁在弯矩、剪力的共同作用下产生斜向裂缝,其原因是主拉应力超过了混凝土的( )。
①  轴心抗拉强度
②  抗剪强度
③  拉压复合受力时的抗拉强度
④  压剪复合受力时的抗剪强度
【判断题】 混凝土在剪应力和法向应力双向作用下,抗剪强度随拉应力的增大而增大。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 混凝土在剪应力和法向应力双向作用下,抗剪强度随拉应力的增大而增大
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 部分预应力混凝土要求在使用荷载作用下不出现裂缝。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 钢筋混凝土梁的受拉区边缘( )时,受拉区开始出现裂缝。
①  达到混凝土实际的抗拉强度
②  达到混凝土抗拉标准强度
③  达到混凝土抗拉设计强度
④  达到混凝土弯曲抗拉设计强度
【单选题】 钢筋混凝土梁受拉区边缘开始出现裂缝是因为受拉边缘( )。
①  受拉混凝土的应力超过混凝土的实际抗拉强度
②  受拉混凝土的应变达到混凝土的极限拉应变
③  受拉混凝土的应力达到混凝土的抗拉强度设计值
④  受拉混凝土的应力达到混凝土的抗拉强度标准值
【判断题】 松螺栓联结时,螺栓只受拉应力作用。()
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The manager______ at 8:30 am for the meeting, but he didn’t show up.
①  ought to arrive
②  should have arrived
③  should arrive
④  was supposed to arrived
【单选题】 If Linda had practised hard enough last week,she______ more confident on the stage now.
①  would have been
②  had been
③  is
④  would be
【单选题】 Theyareconsidering______beforethepricesgoup.
①  of buying the house
②  with buying the house
③  buying the house
④  to buy the house
【单选题】 After the student was praised for what he had done, he said:“ I______ even better under harder conditions. ”
①  had done
②  did
③  would have done
④  would do
【单选题】 The old man is upset in fact today, but he looks as if he______ as happy as before.
①  will be
②  were
③  had been
④  is
【单选题】 Thechildrenwenttheretowatchtheirontower________.
①  to erect
②  erecting
③  be erected
④  being erected
【单选题】 The Bakers arrived last night. If they’d only let us know earlier,______at the airport.
①  we’d meet them
②  we’ll meet them
③  we’d have met them
④  we’ve met them
【单选题】 It is said that people can ______ or deposit money from bank through facial recognition, ie, they don’t have to use a bank card.
①  snatch
②  rob
③  draw
④  pull
【单选题】 In the month, the man earned as much as, if______ than $50,000.
①  no more
②  no much
③  not more
④  not much
【单选题】 —Why didn’t you come to join her party? —I______, but I had to look after my ill mother.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have