职业中毒分急性中毒、慢性中毒和亚急性中毒三种病型。下列选项中,属于慢性中毒的是( )。
【判断题】 亚急性中毒是指在短时间内大量毒物进入人体引起的中毒。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 慢性中毒是指长期少量毒物进入人体引起的中毒有蓄积性。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 急性中毒时可引起迟发性神经病的毒物是( )
①  一氧化碳
②  有机磷农药
③  氰化氢
④  硫化氢
【判断题】 职业中毒是生产过程中由工业毒物引起的中毒。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 严重中毒时出现电击型死亡的毒物是( )
①  HF
②  Cl2 
③  HCN
④  COCl2 
【判断题】 个体防毒的措施之一是正确使用呼吸防护器,防止有毒物质从呼吸道进入人体引起职业中毒。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 理化因素中毒的毒物吸收入血液后,代谢毒物的主要器官是
①  肝脏
②  肠道
③  肾脏和肝脏
④  肾脏
【单选题】 有效清除经口摄入中毒物质,避免毒物吸收最有效的方法是( )
①  清洗
②  洗胃
③  催吐
④  导泻
⑤  灌肠
【单选题】 药物中毒时,加速毒物排泄最好选用
①  甘露醇
②  山梨醇
③  呋塞米
④  氢氯噻嗪
⑤  氨苯蝶啶
【单选题】 工业毒物进入人体的途径有( )。
①  呼吸道,消化道
②  呼吸道,皮肤
③  呼吸道,皮肤和消化道
④  皮肤,消化道
【单选题】 It is reported that a (n)________ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads.
①  series
②  lot
③  number
④  amount
【单选题】 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely _____.
①  unjustified
②  unjust
③  misguided
④  unaccepted
【单选题】 They had a/an ____ agreement not to raise the touchy subject.
①  obvious
②  complacent
③  implicit
④  explicit
【单选题】 Life is often compared ______ a stage by many writers.
①  like
②  as
③  with
④  to
【单选题】 The workers in the factory stopped working in_____ against their foreman using bad language.
①  protest
②  threat
③  conflict
④  criticism
【单选题】 ---When do you wish to visit Canada?---- _____________I am settled, I’ll go there.
①  As
②  Since
③  Once
④  While
【单选题】 Do you anticipate ______ any real problem in getting support?
①  there being
②  there to be
③  there’s being
④  there be
【单选题】 Fifty dollars will ____ for my needs.
①  fill
②  satisfy
③  content
④  suffice
【单选题】 Have your examination results come ___________ yet?
①  at
②  through
③  across
④  to
【单选题】 Not only the society but also the people in it ______.
①  has changed
②  have changed
③  have been changed
④  has been changed