【单选题】 结晶设备按操作方式分( )。
①  母液循坏结晶器
②  间歇结晶器
③  蒸发结晶器
④  冷却结晶器
【判断题】 蔗糖极易结晶,为防止结晶可加入适量的柠檬酸。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 共晶成分的铸铁是在恒温下结晶的,所以结晶后不会产生集中缩孔。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 含有靛蓝结晶的药材为
①  侧柏叶
②  枇杷叶
③  番泻叶
④  大青叶
【单选题】 下列矿物药中常含结晶水的是
①  朱砂
②  雄黄
③  石膏
④  自然铜
【判断题】 纯金属都是在恒温下结晶的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 地下水中对混凝土产生结晶型腐蚀的主要化学离子()。
①  NH4+
②  HCO3
③  -SO42
④  -Cl-
【单选题】 下列不属于循环型蒸发器的是()。
①  单程型蒸发器
②  中央循坏管式
③  强制循坏式蒸发器
④  外加热式蒸发器
【单选题】 人参含有哪种草酸钙结晶
①  方晶
②  针晶
③  簇晶
④  柱晶
【单选题】 下列不属于循环型蒸发器的是( )。
①  单程型蒸发器
②  中央循环
③  强制循环
④  外加热循环
【单选题】 —How many people will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games in 2008?—Its hard to say. _______ people, I think.
①  Million of
②  Millions of
③  Two millions of
④  Two million of
【单选题】 9. Tim is ________boy. He can say a few words.
①  an one-year-old
②  a one-year-old
③  an one-year old
④  a one-year old
【单选题】 Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a _______ one.
①  three
②  third
③  forth
④  不填
【单选题】 7.During World War II, a Jewish(犹太的) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her ________ .
①  fifties
②  fifty
③  fiftieth
④  the fiftieth
【单选题】 —How many people are there in Changsha?—About six ______.
①  million
②  millions
③  millions of
【单选题】 6. --Its 9:45. --Yes, its __________.
①  fifteen from ten
②  a quarter to ten
③  fifteen past ten
④  a quarter past ten
【单选题】 Jack is now in______ .
①  the three grade
②  Grade Third
③  Grade Three
【单选题】 Nanjing is a city with many places of interest. ________ tourists come here every year.
①  Thousand of
②  Thousand
③  Thousands
④  Thousands of
【单选题】 1.—Howlongisthenewbridge?Doyouknow?—Yes.Itsabout______.
①  one thousand one hundred and eighty meters
②  one thousand and one hundred fifty meters
③  two thousands one hundred forty meters
④  two thousands seventy and three meters
【单选题】 8.--What canI do for you? --Id like to buy a book, _____ that was wriiten by Lu Xun.
①  which
②  one
③  but
④  all