李清照“人比黄花瘦”这句词运用了( )修辞手法。
【单选题】 《汉宫秋》中主要运用了()修辞手法。
①  比喻
②  借代
③  顶针
④  互文
【单选题】 下列网络稿件标题中采用了拟人化修辞手法的是( )。
①  《计算机也要“扫盲”了》
②  《我科学家在兔耳上复制出“人耳”》
③  《天津:“卡”在节日好尴尬》
④  《中俄美新世纪将上演新版“三国演义”》
【判断题】 “刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。”用了比喻和对偶两种修辞手法。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “蓝桥春雪君归日,秦岭秋风我去时”一句中运用了( )修辞手法。
①  拟人
②  比喻
③  对比
④  比拟
【单选题】 网络标题《健康杯“喝出”不健康》采用了( )修辞手法。
①  比喻
②  对比
③  借代
④  拈连
【单选题】 下列哪一个菜品不是用比喻的修辞手法命名
①  芙蓉蛋
②  步步高
③  万万顺
④  金丝穿元宝
【判断题】 灵活运用比喻、拟人等多种修辞,才能使描绘对象更加生动传神。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “他发现是我,头摇得像拨浪鼓似的。”用的是比喻的修辞手法。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 “迟迟钟鼓初长夜,耿耿星河欲曙天”运用的修辞手法是()。
①  比喻
②  排比
③  对偶
④  顶真
【判断题】 抒情式开头多采用排比、比喻、比拟等修辞手法,形象生动,引人入胜。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 05. The committee is expected to_________ a decision this evening.
①  reach
②  arrive
③  bring
④  take
【单选题】 19. — You cant finish the book in less than an hour,I suppose? —
①  Yes,ImsureIcan
②  No,hardly
③  Sorry,Icant
④  IdontthinkIcan
【单选题】 12. Last year_________ of new books were published on environmental protection.
①  thehundred
②  hundreds
③  ahundred
④  onehundred
【单选题】 20. Its impossible for all the people to get jobs because ______ of them are not fit for them.
①  none
②  all
③  notall
④  everyone
【单选题】 11. Having finished the letter, he_________ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.
①  folded
②  bent
③  turned
④  curved
【单选题】 17. ______ that the South African writer John Coetzee won the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2003.
①  Theyrereported
②  Hesreported
③  Werereported
④  Itsreported
【单选题】 15. ______ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou V spaceship successfully.
①  That
②  What
③  It
④  As
【单选题】 14.He hasnt come yet.What do you consider _______ to him?
①  happens
②  hashappened
③  happening
④  tohappen
【单选题】 16.—Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you? ---Yes, but much.
①  remainstodo
②  isremainedtodo
③  remainstobedone
④  isremainedtobedone
【单选题】 18. ______ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.
①  That
②  When
③  Where
④  Though