We shall be pleased to receive from you all necessary information _________ these goods.
in regard
as regard
with regard
【单选题】 If you will make us your lowest quotation for air-conditioner, we shall regard ____ as a personal favor.
①  it
②  you
③  your lowest quotation
④  air-conditioner
【单选题】 We have a high regard for Prof. Joseph because he always _____his principles.
①  lives on
②  lives up to
③  lives through
④  lives with
【判断题】 A: Shall we go out for a picnic tomorrow then? B: Its all up to you
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We’ll _____you as soon as we have any further information.
①  notify
②  signify
③  communicates
④  impart
【单选题】 We shall ______ all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it.
①  appeal to
②  appeal for
③  appeal with
④  appeal of
【单选题】 We should be pleased to send you some samples of our new printers on approval, _______ our own expenses.
①  at
②  on
③  for
④  in
【判断题】 A: How do you do? Pleased to meet you. B: How do you do? Pleased to meet you, too.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 But considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we shall ______ you a special discount.
①  grade
②  grasp
③  grant
④  glance
【判断题】 When you ask sb. to open the window, if you are a lady its polite to say Open the window, will you? if you are a man you should say Lets open the window, shall we?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We all thought ______ pity that you were unable to attend our meeting.
①  that
②  which
③  this
④  it
【单选题】 氟化钠漱口水主要针对()的口腔问题
①  消炎杀菌
②  防腐除臭
③  预防龋齿
④  增加唾液分泌
【单选题】 下列属于牙周病的二级预防的是
①  口腔健康教育和指导
②  培养定期进行口腔检查的习惯
③  消除病变,制定相应的常规初查计划
④  采用各种药物和牙周手术方法,最大限度的治愈亚洲组织病损
【单选题】 为了保证良好的口腔健康,预防并治疗牙龈炎
①  建议您最好每隔半年定期去口腔科洁牙一次
②  建议您最好每隔8个月去口腔科洁牙一次
③  建议您最好每隔9个月去口腔科洁牙一次
④  建议您最好每1年去口腔科洁牙一次
【单选题】 深龋患牙的临床表现?
①  食酸甜食物不痛
②  食嵌入食物痛
③  偶尔夜间隐痛
④  温度测时一过性隐痛
【单选题】 下列有效刷牙的是
①  选择含有大量尖锐低档摩擦剂的牙膏
②  竖刷法
③  横刷法
④  刷牙时间不超过3分钟
【单选题】 牙龈萎缩的防治错误的是
①  养成良好的口腔卫生习惯
②  防治炎性口腔病
③  严防环境污染
④  拉锯式刷牙
【单选题】 窝沟封闭的非适应症()
①  窝沟深,可以插入或卡住探针
②  牙萌出达到合平面即适宜作窝沟封闭,一般是萌出后4年之内
③  乳磨牙在3-4岁,第一恒磨牙在6~7岁,第二恒磨牙在11~13岁为最适宜封闭的年龄
④  牙萌出4年以上未患龋
【单选题】 人类牙齿丧失的最主要原因是()
①  龋病
②  牙周病
③  龋病和牙周病
④  牙外伤
【单选题】 WHO关于口腔健康标准不正确的是()
①  牙龈颜色正常
②  牙齿清洁
③  牙齿龋洞
④  牙齿不松动
【单选题】 关于局部涂氟说法错误的是()
①  USPHS推荐每周使用一次,连续使用四周
②  局部涂氟可由非口腔专业人员进行
③  每6个月一次,每年二次涂布
④  平均可降低龋患率30%