As these machines are precision instruments which cannot stand rough handling, the wording” Handle with Care” should be also marked ____ each case.
【单选题】 Good friends means sharing happiness but also sadness ____each other .
①  of
②  with
③  by
④  for
【判断题】 Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ___considerate___ person in each family.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Each country has not its own laws about what can or cannot be brought from abroad.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Each room should ( ) a bed, desk, chair and storage space for personal belongings.
①  be furnished
②  be furnished with
③  furnish with
④  furnished with
【单选题】 You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of your spectacles need changing.
①  lenses
②  glasses
③  sights
④  crystals
【判断题】 判断线上的内容是否正确:Mother who takes care of everybody is usually the most ___considerate___ person in each family.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【判断题】 These two chemicals ____interact_____ with each other at a certain temperature to produce a substance which could cause an explosion.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 -Which job do you think I should take the counter’s job or the waiter’s job?-____.
①  That’s all right
②  It’s your own matter
③  It’s up to you
④  It’s none of your business
【单选题】 The computer of this kind is ____ handling with all kinds of information.
①  capable to
②  able to
③  capable of
④  able of
【单选题】 ( )岁时婴儿的视敏度就基本接近成人水平了。
①  2
②  4
③  6
④  3
【单选题】 ( )在学前儿童认识世界中占有的地位比成人重要。
①  视觉
②  听觉
③  嗅觉
④  触觉
【单选题】 ( )是人生最早出现的认识过程,是其它认识过程的基础。
①  记忆
②  想象
③  感知觉
④  思维
【单选题】 视觉偏爱法是哪位心理学家使用的?
①  斯金纳
②  华生
③  范茨
④  艾宾浩斯
【单选题】 感觉是指人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的刺激物的( )的反映。
①  个别属性
②  整体属性
③  知觉
④  感觉
【单选题】 儿童言语的形成中,出现单词句阶段的年龄段是( )。
①  6个月-1岁
②  1岁-1.5岁
③  1.5岁-2岁
④  2岁-3岁
【判断题】 对于胎儿首先发展起来的是神经系统的高级部位。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( )是个性中最重要的心理特征,代表个体个性的本质。
①  品质
②  人格
③  性格
④  气质
【单选题】 学前儿童心理学是研究一定年龄阶段的儿童心理发生发展规律的科学。这个“一定年龄阶段”是( )。
①  0—1岁
②  1—3岁
③  3—6岁
④  0—6岁
【单选题】 学前儿童心理发展最为迅速和心理特征变化最大的时期是?
①  0—1岁
②  1—2岁
③  2—3岁
④  3—6岁