三相电源三角形联结时的电压关系:线电压的大小是相电压的大小( )。
【判断题】 对称三角形连接的三相电路中,线电压等于相电压。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 负载作三角形连接时,相电压等于线电压。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在对称三相负载作三角形联接时,线电压等于相电压,线电流等于相电流。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 某三相发电机连接成三角形时每相电压为380V,将它连接星形时,对外提供的线电压为()。
①  127V
②  220V
③  380V
④  660V
【判断题】 电压三角形是相量图,阻抗三角形也是相量图。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 三相电源星形接法时线电压超前对应相电压( )度。
①  30
②  60
③  45
【单选题】 星型——三角形减压电路中,星型接法起动电压为三角形接法电压的()。
①  1/√3
②  1/√2
③  1/3
④  1/2
【判断题】 对称三相电路星型连接时,线电压为相电压的√3。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 只要每相负载所承受的相电压相等,那么不管三相负载是接成星形还是三角形,三相负载所消耗的功率都是相等的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 把三相负载分别接在三相电源每两根相线之间的接法称为三角形联结。
【单选题】 We can be sure of this: []no little green men live on Pulsar.
①  /
②  that
③  which
④  what
【单选题】 This morning he bought a novel. [] was written by Mao Dun.
①  It
②  Which
③  At
④  That
【单选题】 [] some of the juice— perhaps you will like it.
①  Trying
②  Try
③  To Try
④  Having tried
【单选题】 Using a comma to link two clauses is a common mistake which is called ________.
①  comma fault
②  run-on sentence
③  sentence fragment
【单选题】 [] is reported, the project was completed yesterday.
①  It
②  As
③  This
④  What
【单选题】 My idea is to visit the museum, [] to the park.
①  not go
②  not going
③  not to go
④  do not go
【单选题】 He requested [] actually he pleaded that his name be withheld.
①  comma
②  dash
③  brackets
④  semicolon
【单选题】 The blizzard continued for a week [] subsequently, they began to run out of food.
①  comma
②  semicolon
【单选题】 I almost spent two hours on this exercise. Find any misplaced modifier in the sentence.
①  two
②  almost
③  on this exercise
【单选题】 Although born and educated in the countryside, Joed like to work [] the big companies are.
①  which
②  when
③  where
④  because