制图国家标准规定,字体的号数即是字体的( )
【单选题】 制图国家标准规定,字体的号数,即是字体的()。
①  高度
②  宽度
③  长度
④  角度
【多选题】 根据国标GB/T14691-1993《技术制图字体》中规定的工程图样字体,关于字体高度及笔画宽度的描述正确的是()
①  字号指的是字体高度
②  汉字的高度不应小于5mm
③  字体高度有系列要求
④  字体笔划宽度统一为字高的1/10或1/14
⑤  4mm为字体高度公称尺寸系列中的一个
【单选题】 平键的宽度和高度根据()进行选择。
①  传递的功率
②  传递的扭矩
③  轴的转速
④  轴的直径
【单选题】 平键的宽度和高度根据____________进行选择。
①  传递的功率
②  传递的扭矩
③  轴的转速
④  轴的直径
【单选题】 下列选项中,能够按指定宽度和高度绘制图像的方法是( )。
①  drawImage(image,x,y)
②  createPattern(image,type)
③  clip()
④  drawImage(image,x,y,width,height)
【单选题】 对于多层砌体房屋总高度与总宽度的比值要加以限制,主要是考虑下列哪一项?()
①  避免房屋两个主轴方向尺寸差异大、刚度悬殊,产生过大的不均匀沉陷
②  避免房屋纵横两个方向温度应力不均匀,导致墙体产生裂缝
③  保证房屋不致因整体弯曲而破坏
④  防止房屋因抗剪不足而破坏
【单选题】 木窗洞口的宽度和高度均采用( )mm的模数。
①  600
②  300
③  100
④  50
【单选题】 在AE中,新建合成时设定了合成影像的视频画面宽度和高度之后,就不能再改变视频画面的宽度和高度了( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 梁和板的区别在于:梁的截面高度一般情况大于其宽度,而板的截面高度则远大于其宽度。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在Windows中,想同时改变窗口的高度和宽度的操作是拖放__________。
①  窗口角
②  窗口边框
③  滚动条
④  菜单栏
【单选题】 Farmers are allowed to grow small gardens of their own and they sell their vegetables ____ the black market.
①  on
②  at
③  in
④  for
【单选题】 The small mountain village was ____ by the snow for more than one month.
①  cut back
②  cut out
③  cut off
④  cut away
【单选题】 — I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. —It_____ true because there was little snow there.
①  may not be
②  won’ t be
③  couldn’ t be
④  mustn’ t be
【单选题】 In 1840, both Lucretian Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton resented ______ proper seating at the World’sAntislavery convention in London because of their sex.
①  refusing
②  to be refused
③  being refused
④  having refused
【单选题】 ____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz, folk, etc.
①  Domestic
②  Foreign
③  National
④  Classica
【单选题】 The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be ______ with the students and their parents.
①  recognized
②  popular
③  favorable
④  fascinated
【单选题】 I’ ll be____ the whole factory next week when the director’ s away.
①  charge
②  in the charge of
③  in charge of
④  take charge of
【单选题】 ----Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me ?----No, I wont. I ______ it already.
①  saw
②  have seen
③  see
④  will see
【单选题】 Things are back to _____ since we paid off all our debts.
①  formal
②  normal
③  regular
④  common
【单选题】 This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community ____any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.
①  rather than
②  rather
③  than
④  other than