【单选题】 数字万用表测量交流电压时的读数为。
①  最大值
②  有效值
③  瞬时值
④  峰-峰值
【单选题】 用万用表交流电压档测量交流电压时,所测的数值是交流电压的()。
①  最大值
②  平均值
③  有效值
④  瞬时值
【单选题】 指针式万用表的交流电压档实质上是_______。
①  分贝电压表
②  峰值电压表
③  有效值电压表
④  均值电压表
【单选题】 检测电控汽车电子元件要使用数字式万用表,这是因为数字式万用表( ).
①  具有高阻抗
②  具有低阻抗
③  测量精确
【单选题】 检测电控汽车电子元件要使用数字式万用表,这是因为数字式万用表
①  具有高阻抗
②  具有低阻抗
③  测量精确
④  读数准确
【单选题】 检测汽车电子控制元件时要使用数字式万用表,是因为数字式万用表( )
①  具有高阻抗
②  具有低阻抗
③  测量精确
【单选题】 数字万用表的基本功能是测量( )。
①  电阻
②  电流
③  电压
【判断题】 数字功率表实际上是由数字电压表配上功率变换器构成的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对于氧传感器的检查可使用万用表进行
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 直流调速系统用的可控直流电源有 旋转变流机组(G-M系统) 、静止可控整流器(V-M统) 、 直流斩波器和脉宽调制变换器(PWM) 。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 14. It is ____ pity that you cannot come to the wedding.
①  such a
②  so
③  such as
④  many a
【单选题】 The man was informed ____ the arrival of the new products. ?
①  to ?
②  on ?
③  of ?
④  with?
【单选题】 4. David watched her car until it ____ from view.
①  remained
②  delayed
③  grew
④  disappeared
【单选题】 “Where do you live?” I live ____ 550 Dalian Road.”
①  on
②  at
③  to
④  for
【单选题】 You’re ____ your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us. ?
①  spending ?
②  wasting ?
③  losing ?
④  missing?
【单选题】 The boy lost his ____when he stepped on the icy road.
①  way
②  weight
③  balance
④  direction
【单选题】 Never in my life ____ or seen such a thing.
①  I have heard of
②  I had heard of
③  have I heard of
④  did I hear of
【单选题】 —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I___ here only a few minutes.
①  have been
②  had been
③  was
④  will be
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 Put it down, Richard. You mustnt read ____ letter.
①  anyones elses
②  anyones else
③  anyone elses
④  anyone else