向外划圈时,由( )带动最远的路线划最大的圆
【多选题】 划圈的做法,下列说法正确的是( )
①  动作时整条腿始终要保持外开
②  在支撑腿保持外开的条件下,动作腿尽量划大圆,但不要出胯
③  做动作时,脚尖向外划至所能达到的最远点,腿绷直并保持外开,脚尖不要离地
④  脚尖至前四、后四位时不能超越主力脚脚跟最外侧界限
【单选题】 老年人的脚后跟疼痛难忍的有效诊疗方法是()
①  A 足底按摩
②  B 尽量少走路
③  C 足底靳莫言的射频毁损
④  D 无有效方法
【判断题】 电子汇划业务的范围包括系统内行际间的异地划收款、划付款业务。
【判断题】 古人的坐姿为两膝着地,两脚脚背朝下,臀部落在脚后跟。如果将臀部抬起上身挺直,叫做长跪,也叫跽,这是准备站起来的姿势,也是对人表示尊敬。
【单选题】 水准管的分划值越大,说明( )。
①  圆弧半径大
②  其灵敏度低
③  气泡整平困难
④  整平精度高
【多选题】 下列结账,该划通栏单红线的有()。
①  本月合计
②  12月末的本年累计
③  1-11月末的本年累计
④  本年合计
【多选题】 水准器的分划值越大,说明()
①  内圆弧的半径大
②  其灵敏度低
③  气泡整平困难
④  整平精度低
【单选题】 踢腿时由( )带动,有爆发力的向上踢起。
①  脚尖
②  大腿
③  脚背
④  膝盖
【单选题】 水准仪的分划值大,说明()。
①  圆弧半径大
②  其灵敏度低
③  气泡整平困难
④  整平精度高
【单选题】 介于两个阶段的“过度型”细胞应划于
①  不明
②  往下一个阶段划分
③  往上一个阶段划分
④  可不计入
【单选题】 A: I am going to get married, Mark. B: [填空]
①  Youre kidding!
②  Congratulations!
③  Is it a real thing?
④  Good luck!
【单选题】 A: [填空], may I help you? B: Id like to book a single room, please.
①  Holiday Hotel
②  Speaking
③  Hey
④  Im Franco Rossi
【单选题】 A: You bought the clothes at a cost of $10? B: [填空]. I got it in a second-hand store.
①  Oh, yes, wonderful
②  No kidding
③  Do me a favor
④  Use your head
【单选题】 A: I rang you several times yesterday but couldn’t get through. B: [填空]. I was busy.
①  Sorry about that
②  Sounds fine
③  I appreciate that
④  Thats all right
【单选题】 A: Here you are, 100 yuan. B: Thanks.[填空]. Next one, please.
①  Thats all
②  Wait a minute
③  Its a good deal
④  Heres your change
【单选题】 A: Mary, Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to come this Friday. B: Whats the matter? [填空].
①  Nothing wrong, I hope
②  Its all right with me
③  Im really sorry for that
④  You can come some other time
【单选题】 A: Good afternoon. Id like to book a table for two for 7pm on Sunday, please. B: [填空]
①  Yes, speaking.
②  Hold the line.
③  Your name, please.
④  After a while.
【单选题】 A: Would you mind if I play the violin here? B: [填空].
①  Of course not.
②  Yes, I dont mind
③  Yes, you may do that
④  OK. Everyone does
【单选题】 A: Honey, there is little milk in the fridge. B: [填空]
①  OK, ok. Ill go to the store right now.
②  Yes, honey. Let me know what I can do.
③  Whats missing, dear?
④  Sure, Ill get more next time.
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mary. Its Peter. Do you have time to talk? B: Hi, Peter, [填空]. I was just watching TV.
①  so what
②  no doubt
③  sure
④  some time