【单选题】 由于实验性研究是以人为研究对象,所以应慎重考虑
①  医德因素
②  对象的样本量
③  研究工作的持续时间
④  研究工作的地区
⑤  调查员的培训
【单选题】 实验性研究中采用双盲法的主要目的是
①  使实验组和对照组人口学特征更具有可比性
②  减少抽样误差的影响
③  使实验组和对照组不知道实验目的
④  消除研究者和研究对象对结果的主观影响
【判断题】 流行病学方法主要包括观察性研究和实验性研究方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 布鲁斯音乐的特点是什么?
①  降低第三级、第七级的音
②  在演唱时即兴
③  伴奏乐器最早是吉他,后来逐渐丰富
④  旋律中有切分节奏
【单选题】 教育实验研究的基本特点是
①  因果关系的探讨
②  自变量的操作
③  合理控制无关变量
④  以上都是
【简答题】 什么是契税,契税的特点是什么?
【简答题】 动态页面的特点是什么?
【简答题】 电子政务的特点是什么
【多选题】 乡村音乐的特点是什么?
①  多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式
②  有八大主题
③  乡村音乐多用民间本嗓音演唱
④  最初采用小提琴、班卓琴、口琴和吉他伴奏
【简答题】 面谈的五个特点是什么?
【单选题】 People are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and household ________ .
①  facilities
②  appliances
③  instruments
④  equipment
【单选题】 As you know, when college students __________ their future employment, they often think of status and income.
①  apply
②  demand
③  anticipate
④  suppose
【单选题】 David and Sheila are unable to have children, but they’re hoping to __________ a little boy.
①  cultivate
②  raise
③  adopt
④  acquire
【单选题】 I don’t know why she avoids __________ her opinion on the subject.
①  to give
②  to be given
③  giving
④  being given
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 Candidates are required to ____________ the application form first.
①  take in
②  put in
③  fill in
④  give in
【单选题】 Although Jack made a foolish mistake, we __________ at him.
①  ought to have laughed
②  oughtn’t to have laughed
③  ought to laugh
④  should not to laugh
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 What can I do for you, madam?
①  I want a kilo of apples
②  You can go your own way
③  Thanks
④  Excuse me. I’m busy
【单选题】 we desire that the tour leader __________ us immediately of any changes in plans.
①  inform
②  informs
③  informed
④  has informed