【单选题】 远安鹿苑茶每亩用茶苗数是
①  2500-3000株
②  3500-4000株
③  4500-5000株
④  5500-6000株
【单选题】 远安鹿苑茶杀青后初闷时间为
①  5min
②  15min
③  30min
④  60min
【单选题】 形成远安鹿苑茶品质的关键工艺是
①  杀青
②  炒二青
③  闷堆
④  炒干
【判断题】 远安鹿苑茶专业合作社主要功能是为参观游客提供评鉴鹿苑黄茶的魅力;了解鹿苑黄茶的历史文化;展示鹿苑黄茶制作工艺之独特;传承鹿苑茶手工制作技艺,加紧保护这一省级非物质文化遗产,带动远安县鹿苑茶产业的发展。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 远安鹿苑茶非遗工艺传承地主要在鹿苑村
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 远安鹿苑黄茶鲜叶采摘要求 、新鲜、匀齐、纯净。
①  细嫩
②  细密
③  紧细
【单选题】 远安鹿苑茶产自
①  湖南
②  湖北
③  四川
④  安徽
【单选题】 远安鹿苑茶外形为
①  直条形
②  扁条形
③  曲条形
④  长条形
【判断题】 远安鹿苑茶炒二青后,复闷时间一般为7-8h
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 远安鹿苑黄茶在鲜叶采摘、干茶制作上要求极严、极细、极精。
①  极严
②  极细
③  极精
【单选题】 As a ( ) student, he enjoys many conveniences and resources which are only wild wishes for other average ones.
①  tip
②  tap
③  top
④  pat
【单选题】 The room had a seating ( ) of over 200.
①  capacity
②  capable
③  capacitive
④  capacious
【单选题】 We will comprehensively promote () education.
①  high
②  enormous
③  religious
④  well-rounded
【单选题】 You can’t really appreciate foreign () in translation
①  literature
②  literate
③  literary
④  literacy
【单选题】 You must not() him into believing it.
①  decide
②  delude
③  demand
④  deliver
【单选题】 We need to design a new() for the third year.
①  source
②  system
③  syllabus
④  status
【单选题】 The heart-breaking scene of the catastrophe and the heavy loss of lives and property aroused great ( ) in audiences and quick actions of donation and help.
①  antipathy
②  apathy
③  empathy
④  sympathy
【单选题】 Fruit was a () in wartime Britain.
①  luxury
②  lump
③  lucky
④  lunar
【单选题】 A man with considerable ( ) can often find the nature of things, however complicated the facial phenomenon appears.
①  capacity
②  insight
③  vision
④  discipline
【单选题】 We must remain() of Internet information.
①  worth
②  skeptical
③  skepticism
④  skeptically