【单选题】 当右侧水平角读数减左侧水平角读数为负值时
①  加180°
②  加360
③  加90°
④  不做任何改变
【判断题】 测回法测单个水平角时,一般应用多测回法来减少度盘分划误差。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用测回法观测水平角,可以消除( )误差。
①  2C
②  大气折光误差
③  对中误差
④  横轴误差
【单选题】 在进行水平角度观测时,测回法适用于观测( )方向间的水平角度。
①  四个
②  一个
③  两个
④  三个
【单选题】 用测回法测水平角,各测回间改变度盘起始位置是为了消除( )误差。
①  视准轴
②  横轴
③  指标差
④  度盘刻划不均匀误差
【单选题】 用测回法测水平角,测完上半测回后,发现水准管气泡偏离2格多,在此情况下应(? ? ??)。
①  继续观测下半测回
②  整平后观测下半测回
③  整平后全部重测
④  影响不大
【判断题】 测水平角的误差与观测点的距离成反比。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用回测法观测水平角,测完上半测回后,发现水准管气泡偏离2格多,在此情况下应( )
①  继续观测下半测回
②  整平后观测下半测回
③  整平后全部重测
④  重新观测上半测回
【单选题】 将经纬仪安置于A点且瞄准B点时,水平度盘读数为30°,欲测设45°的水平角值于AB直线的左侧,则水平度盘的读数应为()
①  345°
②  75°
③  165°
④  15°
【单选题】 将经纬仪安置于A点且瞄准B点时,水平度盘读数为30°,欲测设45°的水平角值于AB直线的左侧,则水平度盘的读数应为( )。
①  345°
②  75°
③  165°
④  15°
【单选题】 How can he ______ if he is not ______ ?
①  listen; hearing
②  hear; listening
③  be listening; heard
④  be hearing; listened to
【单选题】 This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ____ last week.
①  be fixed
②  have fixed
③  fix
④  have been fixed
【单选题】 “Uncle Li used to live in the town, ____ he?”
①  weren’t
②  didn’t
③  wouldn’t
④  hadn’t
【单选题】 At that time, the committee, so far as I know, _______ of three scientists, two professors, and four senior engineers.
①  composed
②  comprised
③  consisted
④  made up
【单选题】 -- How long ______ you ______ the library book?-- For three days.
①  have; borrowed
②  have; kept
③  borrow
④  were; kept
【单选题】 I ____ up early this morning, so I stayed in bed until 8 o’clock a.m. .
①  needn’t have got
②  didn’t need to get
③  shouldn’t have got
④  can’t have got
【单选题】 Only in this way ____ out of the plan.
①  you can talk him
②  him can you talk
③  him you can talk
④  can you talk him
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 If you drink too much, your health will get even ____.
①  bad
②  poor
③  worse
④  not well
【单选题】 I haven’t seen her for years, but I could still ____ her voice on the phone.
①  recognize
②  realize
③  hear
④  know