【单选题】 CIS首先在哪国正式兴起()。
①  美国
②  日本
③  中国
④  德国
【单选题】 图解法校核时对哪个筛孔进行
①  4.75mm
②  2.36mm
③  所有筛孔
④  优势粒径
【单选题】 崩解的标志是指片剂崩解成能通过直径为( )mm筛孔的颗粒或粉末
①  1
②  2
③  3
④  4
【单选题】 浪漫主义首先在哪个国家产生( )
①  意大利
②  法国
③  德国
【单选题】 凯恩斯主义在哪一个阶段盛行
①  自由资本主义
②  垄断资本主义
③  当代资本主义
④  现代资本主义
【单选题】 浪漫主义首先在( )国产生。
①  英国
②  法国
③  德国
④  意大利
【单选题】 粒径在 mm之间的集料,称为细集料。
①  0.15-4.75
②  0.15-2.25
③  0-1
④  1-2
【单选题】 以下哪一个不是网络营销的优势?( )
①  竞争更公平
②  沟通更有效
③  成本更节省
④  品质更保障
【单选题】 以下哪一个不是网络营销的优势?( )
①  竞争更公平
②  沟通更有效
③  成本更节省
④  品质更保障
【单选题】 以下哪一个不是网络营销的优势?( )
①  竞争更公平
②  沟通更有效
③  成本更节省
④  品质更保障
【单选题】 This ______,we all went home immediately.
①  did
②  done
③  does
④  do
【单选题】 Johnregretted_______tothemeetinglastweek.
①  not going
②  not to go
③  not having been going
④  not to be going
【单选题】 The weather was terrible outside. She entered the office, her nose ______ with cold.
①  red
②  to be red
③  being red
④  has been red
【单选题】 Body language contains a lot of information. So, ______ your body language
①  be likely to
②  be aware of
③  be friendly with
④  be patient with
【单选题】 A balanced diet is ______ as a quick and effective way to keep in good health.
①  consider
②  considers
③  considered
④  considering
【单选题】 We should not eat or eat less______ food.
①  junk
②  garbage
③  trash
④  rubbish
【单选题】 My brother can take his car apart and put it back together again. I certainly wish he______ me how.
①  would teach
②  has taught
③  will teach
④  teaches
【单选题】 She’s very ______ and would like to see each thing in its place.
①  gathered
②  grouped
③  modernized
④  organized
【单选题】 Keeping eye contact ______ respect for the interviewer and your audience.
①  says
②  pays
③  throws
④  shows
【单选题】 Do plan to arrive ______or a few minutes early for a job interview.
①  no time
②  on time
③  all the time
④  at a time