了防止钢铁锈蚀,下列防护方法中正确的是( )。
【单选题】 海水中含量最多的离子是( )。
①  钙离子
②  氯离子
③  钠离子
④  镁离子
【单选题】 海水中混凝土工程不宜选用( )。
①  普通水泥
②  粉煤灰水泥
③  矿渣水泥
④  火山灰水泥
【单选题】 海水中混凝土工程不宜选用( )。
①  普通水泥
②  粉煤灰水泥
③  矿渣水泥
④  火山灰水泥
【判断题】 吃深海水产好于吃浅海水产,浅海水产好于淡水水产。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 主要由海水的密度差引起的海水运动方式为( )。。(1.0分)
①  A.海浪;
②  B.潮汐;
③  C.洋流;
④  D.浊流。
【多选题】 海水的运动方式主要表现为()
①  A海浪
②  B潮汐
③  C洋流
④  D浊流
【单选题】 海水只可用于拌制( )。
①  素混凝土
②  预应力混凝土
③  钢筋混凝土
④  钢管混凝土
【判断题】 混凝土可以使用海水拌制。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 可以使用海水拌制普通混凝土。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 工件在机床上直接安装就是通过划线找正法进行的安装。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Henry’ s actually ______ of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he s heathy.
①  capable
②  spontaneous
③  competent
④  expert
【单选题】 Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper,___ had his wife.
①  either
②  or
③  nor
④  So
【单选题】 Mary hopes to be ___ from hospital next week.
①  dismissed
②  discharged
③  expelled
④  resigned
【单选题】 _______ the look on his face, he doesn’t t quite understand what the speaker is saying.
①  Judge by
②  Judging by
③  To judge by
④  To be judged by
【单选题】 It is reported that a (n)________ of accidents has occurred at that crossroads.
①  series
②  lot
③  number
④  amount
【单选题】 The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely _____.
①  unjustified
②  unjust
③  misguided
④  unaccepted
【单选题】 They had a/an ____ agreement not to raise the touchy subject.
①  obvious
②  complacent
③  implicit
④  explicit
【单选题】 Life is often compared ______ a stage by many writers.
①  like
②  as
③  with
④  to
【单选题】 The workers in the factory stopped working in_____ against their foreman using bad language.
①  protest
②  threat
③  conflict
④  criticism
【单选题】 ---When do you wish to visit Canada?---- _____________I am settled, I’ll go there.
①  As
②  Since
③  Once
④  While