某学生做乙醛还原性的实验,取2mL 1mol?L﹣1的硫酸铜溶液和4mL 0.4mol?L﹣1的氢氧化钠溶液,在一个试管内混合后,加入0.5mL 40%乙醛溶液加热至沸,无砖红色沉淀.实验失败的原因是(  )。
【单选题】 从1L 1mol/L NaCl溶液中分别取出100ml、10ml和1 ml,它们的物质的量浓度分别( )、( )、( )mol/L。
①  10 ,1 ,0.1
②  1 ,1 ,1
③  2, 2, 2
④  100,10 ,1
【单选题】 10.0mL 0.10 mol·L-1NaOH与20.0mL0.10 mol·L-1HCl混合,所得溶液的pH值约为
①  1.00
②  1.60
③  7.00
④  9.25
【单选题】 两步滴定法测定阿司匹林片的含量时,每1ml氢氧化钠溶液(0.1mol/L)相当于阿司匹林(分子量=180.16)的量是:
①  18.02mg
②  180.2mg
③  90.08mg
④  45.04mg
⑤  450.0mg
【单选题】 将58.5gNaCl配成500mL溶液,其物质的量浓度( )mol/L。
①  3
②  2
③  1
④  0.5
【单选题】 把NaOH溶液和CuSO4溶液加入尿液中,微热后观察到红色沉淀,说明该尿液中含有()。
①  葡萄糖
②  食醋
③  食盐
④  白酒
【单选题】 在相同温度时100mL 0.01mol/L的醋酸溶液与10mL 0.1mol/L的醋酸溶液相比较,下列数值前者大于后者的是()。
①  <img class="kfformula" src="20200706/1594029717591855.png" data-latex="{CH}_{3}COOH" width="102" height="37"/>的物质的量
②  电离程度
③  中和时所需NaOH的量
【单选题】 有0.1mol/L<img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594087695131974.png" data-latex="{Na}_{2}{SO}_{4}" width="77" height="30"/>溶液300mL,0.1mol/L<img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594087695248793.png" data-latex="{MgSO}_{4}" width="70" height="30"/>溶液200mL和0.1mol/L<img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594087695350060.png" data-latex="{Al}_{2}{({SO}_{4})}_{3}" width="83" height="31"/>溶液100mL,这三种溶液中硫酸根离子物质的量浓度之比是( )。
①  1:1:1
②  1:1:3
③  3:2:3
④  3:2:2
【单选题】 向一定量的下列物质的溶液中逐滴加入氢氧化钠溶液,先生成白色沉淀,后沉淀逐渐溶解,这种物质是(  )。
①  <img class="kfformula" src="20200629/1593415849981401.png" data-latex="MgS{O}_{4}" width="76" height="31"/>
②  <img class="kfformula" src="20200629/1593415849559692.png" data-latex="{A1C1}_{3}" width="58" height="33"/>
③  <img class="kfformula" src="20200629/1593415849925071.png" data-latex="{FeC1}_{3}" width="58" height="35"/>
④  <img class="kfformula" src="20200629/1593415849354494.png" data-latex="NaA1{0}_{2}" width="69" height="36"/>
【单选题】 用40gNaOH配成2L溶液,其物质的量浓度( )mol/L。
①  0.5
②  3
③  2
④  1
【单选题】 下列溶液中的<img class="kfformula" src="20200706/1594021125433964.png" data-latex="c({C1}^{-})" width="56" height="30"/>与50mL 1mol/L氯化钠溶液中<img class="kfformula" src="20200706/1594021125862918.png" data-latex="c({C1}^{-})" width="66" height="31"/>相等的是( )。
①  150mL 1mol/L NaCl 溶液
②  75mL 2mol/L <img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594088288421797.png" data-latex="{CaCl}_{2}" width="66" height="30"/>溶液
③  150mL 3mol/L KCl 溶液
④  75mL 1mol/L<img class="kfformula" src="20200707/1594088288381919.png" data-latex="{FeCl}_{2}" width="62" height="30"/> 溶液
【单选题】 The boy is not happy at the new school. He has ________ friends there.
①  few
②  a few
③  little
④  a little
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 He _______ lives in the house where he was born.
①  already
②  yet
③  still
④  ever
【单选题】 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday.
①  was playing
②  am playing
③  play
④  played
【单选题】 When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
①  was made work
②  was made working
③  made to work
④  was made to work
【单选题】 A pair of spectacles ________ what I need at the moment.
①  is
②  are
③  has
④  have
【单选题】 Well go for a picnic if it ________tomorrow.
①  isnt going to rain
②  wont rain
③  doesnt rain
④  isnt raining
【单选题】 He asked the waiter ________ the bill.
①  on
②  of
③  for
④  after
【单选题】 I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I _____________today.
①  might do it
②  must do it
③  had to do it
④  must have to do it
【单选题】 She wonders ____will happen to her private life in the future.
①  that
②  it
③  this
④  what