腰椎病老人应卧硬板床,抬高床头( ),侧卧位时屈髋屈膝,双腿分开,上腿下垫枕。
【单选题】 颈椎病老人休息时应使头部保持自然仰伸位、胸、腰部保持自然屈度、双髋及双膝屈曲。( )
【单选题】 颈腰椎病和( )有关。
①  摔伤
②  机体劳损
③  不适当运动
④  不良的生活习惯
【单选题】 半卧位进餐体位,帮助老人平稳摇高床头或抬起老人上身,与床体水平面呈()。
①  20°
②  15°
③  45°
④  30°
【单选题】 患者,男,36岁,护士为其进行肌内注射时,侧卧位的正确姿势是( )。
①  两腿弯曲
②  双膝向腹部弯曲
③  两腿伸直
④  上腿伸直,下腿稍弯曲
【单选题】 协助老人穿开襟上衣的过程中协助老人翻身侧卧遇老人一侧肢体不灵活时,应卧于患侧,健侧在上。
【单选题】 能伸髋屈膝的肌是
①  股二头肌
②  股四头肌
③  缝匠肌
④  臀大肌
⑤  小腿三头肌
【单选题】 颈、腰椎病可用颈围、颈托、腰围等器具进行制动和保护。( )
【单选题】 腰椎间盘突出症术后病人进行直腿抬高练习的主要目的是
①  防止肌萎缩
②  防止关节僵硬
③  提高肌力
④  防止神经根粘连
⑤  早日下床活动
【单选题】 双手扶住老年人的(),协助老年人摆放侧卧位进食体位。
①  髋部
②  腰部与肩部
③  髋部与肩部
④  肩部
【单选题】 患者,李某,76岁,因脑出血昏迷,护士为其翻身后采取左侧卧位。患者的体位是( )。
①  主动卧位
②  被动卧位
③  被迫卧位
④  强制卧位
【单选题】 A: Would you rather watch TV or go for a walk? B: The TV program is good today. [填空] A: Cool. Lets go.
①  What a pity!
②  I hate to leave.
③  But I need the exercise more.
④  You know what I mean.
【单选题】 A: Can I take a message? Ill let Mr. Liu know as soon as he comes back. B: [填空].
①  I hope he will call me back
②  No. Ill call somebody else
③  Dont bother. Ill try his cell
④  I dont think its appropriate
【单选题】 A: Whats there to do at night? B: There are clubs, concerts, players and so on. [填空]!
①  You make it
②  You name it
③  You manage it
④  Yes, I didnt hear you
【单选题】 A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
①  Thank you
②  As you please
③  Yes, you can
④  Yes, please
【单选题】 A: Why did your boss shout at you? B: [填空]. He was just in a bad mood.
①  Nothing in particular
②  who knows
③  You said it
④  Im quite surprised
【单选题】 A: I went on a date with Susan last weekend. B: Really? [填空]? A: I couldnt ask for a better night.
①  Is she nice
②  How was it
③  Is it a beautiful night
④  Did you like her
【单选题】 A: Id like a cup of coffee. B: [填空], is instant OK?
①  Im sure
②  No kidding
③  Sure I do
④  Of course
【单选题】 A: Happy New Year to you. B: [填空]
①  Yes,Im happy.
②  How about you
③  Fine,thank you.
④  The same to you.
【单选题】 A: You look so beautiful in this dress today. B: [填空].
①  It cost me a fortune
②  Its very nice of you
③  It will be nice on you too
④  I hope you like it
【单选题】 A: Hello, this is Bill. Id like to speak with Mr Wang, please. B: [填空]
①  Who is speaking over there?
②  Sorry, he is not available at the moment.
③  Can you tell me who you are?
④  Theres no one here by that name.