Wish账户暂停将发生以下( )情况。
【单选题】 Wish店铺的退单率非常高,其账户会被警告,但不会被暂停。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 如果商户指引用户离开Wish,其账户将会被暂停。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 更频繁地运输重新订购的商品,以保证店铺不缺货,从而提高销售额。
①  自动补货
②  零售空间管理
③  联合产品开发
④  快速反应的集成
【判断题】 如果卖家已在Wish注册多个账户,卖家账户将处于被暂停的风险。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在“店铺管理”板块下有以下三个栏目不包括( )
①  商品管理
②  订单管理
③  服务管理
④  进销存&ERP
【单选题】 打开需要收藏的店铺,单击以下哪个按钮可以弹出“确认收藏店铺”页面,单击“确认”按钮,可收藏店铺( )
①  分享
②  收藏宝贝
③  收藏店铺
④  关注
【判断题】 钻石展位不仅适合发布宝贝信息,而且更适合发布店铺销售信息、店铺活动信息,以及推广店铺品牌。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Wish可能随时促销某款产品,促销产品时Wish对卖家不包括以下哪些政策( )
①  严禁降低促销产品的库存
②  严禁店铺对促销产品提高价格和运费
③  店铺如若禁售促销产品,将面临罚款。
④  商家可以提高促销产品的运费
【单选题】 QR的()要求供应商更快、更频繁地运输重新订购的商品,以保证店铺不缺货,从而提高销售额。
①  自动补货
②  零售空间管理
③  联合产品开发
④  快速反应的集成
【单选题】 淘宝店铺动态评分中有三个评分标准不包括( )
①  宝贝与描述相符
②  卖家的服务态度
③  卖家的发货速度
④  物流服务态度
【单选题】 “Are you ready for your paper?” “Not yet. I need___ to read through it.”
①  other three minutes
②  another three minutes
③  three other minutes
④  more three minutes
【单选题】 ____ to speak when the audience interrupted him.
①  Hardly had he begun
②  No sooner had he begun
③  Not until began
④  Scarcely did he begin
【单选题】 13. When I was a teenager, my bedroom was always ____; as an adult, though, my room is always neat..
①  tidy
②  orderly
③  mess
④  untidy
【单选题】 Women have to be more ____ than men if they want to get anywhere in the business world.
①  difficult
②  ambitious
③  traditional
④  conservative
【单选题】 24. The kind-hearted woman always tries to help others, but recently she has been ____kind and generous.
①  chiefly
②  specially
③  principally
④  especially
【单选题】 When the passenger woke up, he found himself ____in a hospital ward.
①  lie
②  lay
③  lying
④  lain
【单选题】 Never get off the bus ____it has stopped.
①  if
②  as soon as
③  until
④  or
【单选题】 He should get used by now ____ Chinese food.?
①  to eating ?
②  to eat ?
③  for eating ?
④  eatin?
【单选题】 2. As time went on, he found himself ____ with the toughest job she had ever taken.
①  face
②  faced
③  facing
④  to face
【单选题】 He came to the meeting ____ his serious illness.
①  inspite of
②  in spite
③  despite of
④  despite