如果卖家已在Wish注册多个账户,卖家账户将处于被暂停的风险。该说法( )
【单选题】 如果商户指引用户离开Wish,其账户将会被暂停。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Wish账户暂停将发生以下( )情况。
①  因违反Wish的政策,店铺的销售额不会被永久扣留
②  账户访问不受限
③  店铺的产品允许再上架销售
④  店铺的付款保留三个月
【单选题】 Wish店铺的退单率非常高,其账户会被警告,但不会被暂停。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Wish可能随时促销某款产品,促销产品时Wish对卖家不包括以下哪些政策( )
①  严禁降低促销产品的库存
②  严禁店铺对促销产品提高价格和运费
③  店铺如若禁售促销产品,将面临罚款。
④  商家可以提高促销产品的运费
【单选题】 以下关于Wish注册说法正确的是( )
①  注册期间提供的信息不必真实准确
②  每个实体只能有一个账户
③  每个实体可以有多个账户
④  以上说法都不正确
【判断题】 卖家可以为自己的亚马逊账号设置多个操作员账号,并且可以设置操作员账号权限。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 亚马逊不会向卖家收取平台服务费。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 海外仓要求卖家要有一定的库存量。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 亚马逊平台卖家必须在买家下单后的48小时内点击确认发货按钮,否者会有延迟发货的记录,影响卖家绩效。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 如果定期汇总的全部账户记录平衡说明账户金额记录完全正确。 ( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 7. As soon as they heard the teacher say, “Dinner is ready,” the children made a dash ____ the dining-hall.
①  for
②  at
③  into
④  up
【单选题】 Jane: I’d like to have some ice cream if you don’t mind. Man: ____. Help yourself.?
①  of course ?
②  Yes, I do ?
③  Oh, yes ?
④  Of course not?
【单选题】 3. He admits that playing computer games sometimes____ him ____his study.
①  distracts--from
②  attracts--from
③  distracts--to
④  attracts--to
【单选题】 It was in the school library ____ I came across John.
①  that
②  which
③  where
④  how
【单选题】 It was in 1969 ____ the American astronauts succeeded in landing on the moon.
①  when
②  the moment
③  which
④  that
【单选题】 Although the weather was very bad, the buses still ran on ____.
①  time
②  plan
③  schedule
④  arrangement
【单选题】 At the end of every term a schoolmaster____ on each of his pupils.
①  tells
②  reports
③  says
④  discusses
【单选题】 12. Could you tell us____ her aunt will stay here?
①  that
②  what
③  how long
④  where
【单选题】 The mere fact ____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
①  what
②  which
③  that
④  why
【单选题】 Why he did it will remain a ____for ever.
①  strange
②  pass
③  public
④  puzzle