【单选题】 护士的相关权益也应该得到保障,从( )两方面为护理人员提供保障,有助于缓解护士的压力和焦虑情绪
①  表彰和奖励
②  物质权益支持和心理支持
③  补助和抚恤
④  医疗保健和职业健康监护
⑤  卫生防护用品及措施
【单选题】 护理人员的职责是
①  老年人运动强度的自我监测
②  协助老年人一直监测活动
③  老年人坚持活动
④  老年人生命在于运动
【单选题】 根据患者心理问题类型、严重程度及护理人员自身能力,心理危机干预策略可分为( )级
【单选题】 护理人员端庄的仪表及行为,对老年人提高对治疗的信心没有影响。
【单选题】 南丁格尔提出一流的护理人员需要具备()
①  可被信任的气质
②  精确的观察力、主动学习的精神
③  服务别人的心
④  “我愿意”的使命
⑤  以上均是
【单选题】 护理人员的考核和评价,关键指标是
①  工作数量
②  工作绩效
③  工作质量
④  工作结果
【单选题】 下列哪项不熟老年专科护理人员的角色是
①  沟通者
②  协调者
③  研究者
④  替代者
【单选题】 护理人员对待护理工作的态度和在工作中的努力程度反映了护理人力资源的( )
①  科学组合性
②  主观能动性
③  闲置消耗性
④  能力可变性
【单选题】 护理人员协助服务对象恢复健康的措施有()
①  让服务对象理解定期身体检查对健康的益处
②  协助骨折术后患者实施功能锻炼
③  指导肥胖者有效地降低体重
④  减轻临终患者的身心痛苦
⑤  教育人们采取合理膳食结构
【判断题】 税务稽查有助于提升会计人员的地位。(  )
【单选题】 A: Lets eat out, shall we? B: Im broke. Ive gone through my paycheck for the week already. A: Dont worry. [填空].
①  Lets split the bill
②  We can find a way
③  Its my treat
④  Just fast food
【单选题】 A: I go to the gym twice a week. B: [填空] You look really fit and healthy.
①  Thats right!
②  I can tell.
③  No way!
④  Poor you!
【单选题】 A: Could you put the books on bookshelves, please? B: Of course. [填空] A: Thats all. Everything else has been done.
①  Its a pleasure to help.
②  Is that all?
③  Im free now.
④  How should I do it?
【单选题】 A: Ive got a really bad cough. B: [填空]
①  Why are you so careless about yourself?
②  This kind of thing happens to everyone.
③  You should take good care of yourself.
④  Oh, thats too bad. Why dont you take some aspirin?
【单选题】 A: I have booked a single room for today and tomorrow. B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Ill check
③  Im sure
④  I know
【单选题】 A: What does your father do? B: [填空].
①  He is cleaning the street
②  He is fifty
③  He is a worker
④  He is all right
【单选题】 A: Did you use to play the violin? B: [填空].
①  Yes, I do
②  No, I didnt
③  Yes, I play it every day.
④  No, I do
【单选题】 A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past? B: [填空].
①  Well, I apologize. I got all excited
②  I guess it doesnt matter that much
③  Oh well, its done now. I cant help
④  I dont think you should complain
【单选题】 A: Can you keep an eye on my bag? B: [填空] A: No. Im going to the bathroom.
①  Sure. What is it?
②  Sure. Will you be long?
③  Oh. Do you want a favor?
④  Go ahead. No problem.
【单选题】 A: Hello. May I speak to John, please? B: Speaking. A: [填空]
①  How do you do?
②  Glad to hear your voice.
③  Fine, thats good
④  Hi, John. This is Linda