百度贴吧是百度最具有社群基因的产品。该说法( )
【判断题】 百度百赚利滚利版是百度公司推出的“宝宝”类产品。(  )
【单选题】 百度是一种()工具。
①  网络信息资源检索
②  编程
③  下载
④  电子邮件
【单选题】 ( )是百度旗下的内容产生平台。
①  百家号
②  企鹅号
③  头条号
【单选题】 百度网盘是一款( )。
①  播放器
②  浏览器
③  存储工具
④  杀毒软件
【判断题】 进入百家号平台界面只有百度搜索百家号这一个方法。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 百度是一个搜索引擎。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 目前百度网盘不支持( )。
①  离线下载
②  上传文件夹
③  分享文件下载
④  上传空文件夹
【单选题】 目前百度网盘不支持( )。
①  0容量上传文件夹
②  离线下载
③  文件私密分享
④  好友分享
【判断题】 百度脑图可以用来快速创建短视频
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 百度脑图可以用来快速创建[填空1]
【单选题】 We came finally _________ the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time.
①  of
②  into
③  to
④  at
【单选题】 I am not used to speaking ________ public.
①  in
②  at
③  on
④  to
【单选题】 It was well known that Thomas Edison _____ the electric lamp.
①  discovered
②  invented
③  found
④  developed
【单选题】 ____ you know, David has been well lately.
①  Which
②  As
③  What
④  When
【单选题】 The garden _______while the Greens were away from home.
①  took good care of
②  was taken good care
③  was taken good care of
④  was taking good care
【单选题】 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi.
①  way
②  choice
③  possibility
④  selection
【单选题】 I didn’t know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.
①  appeared
②  happened
③  occurred
④  emerged
【单选题】 Youve caught a cold. Youd better _______to school.
①  go
②  to go
③  not go
④  not to go
【单选题】 ________ you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight.
①  Since
②  While
③  For
④  Before
【单选题】 You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.
①  seeing
②  saw
③  see
④  seen