【判断题】 40. 普通片应该在30min内崩解完全。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 39.按片剂崩解时限检查法,薄膜衣片崩解时间是小于( )min
①  60
②  70
③  80
④  90
⑤  120
【单选题】 某施工过程的基本工作时间为30min,辅助工作时间为5min,准备与结束工作时间为10min,不可避免的中断时间为5min,必要的休息时间为5min,则定额时间为()min。
①  35
②  55
③  45
④  50
【单选题】 某施工过程的基本工作时间为30min,辅助工作时间为5min,准备与结束工作时间为10min,不可避免的中断时间为5min,必要的休息时间为5min,则定额时间为()min。
①  35
②  55
③  45
④  50
【单选题】 某施工过程的基本工作时间为30min,辅助工作时间为5min,准备与结束工作时间为10min,不可避免的中断时间为5min,必要的休息时间为5min,则定额时间为( ) min。
①  35
②  55
③  45
④  50
【判断题】 21. 药典规定硬胶囊剂应在60min内崩解,如有一粒不能完全崩解,应取6粒复试,均应符合规定。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 10%和5%,则该项目的定额时间是()min。
①  8.736
②  8.52
③  8.425
④  8.353
【单选题】 10%和5%,则该项目的定额时间是()min
①  8.736
②  8.52
③  8.425
④  8.353
【单选题】 6. Is there _________ Zhang Min in your class?
①  the
②  a
③  an
④  /
【单选题】 已知某电动机的同步转速为1500r/min,其转子转速有可能是( )r/min。
①  1200B
②  1450C
③  1650
④  2900
【单选题】 Nowhere______asinthe park of the city.
①  the flowers were so beautiful
②  so beautiful were the flowers
③  so beautiful the flowers were
④  was the flowers so beautiful
【单选题】 If you check the route to your ____before starting off, you will save much trouble.
①  aim
②  purpose
③  destination
④  determination
【单选题】 ______,the boy doesnt study well.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【单选题】 Poly______ have left school, for her bike is still here.
①  can’t
②  wouldn’t
③  shouldn’t
④  needn’t
【单选题】 Can I send a package with some fragile______?
①  items
②  itinerary
③  t terms
④  teams
【单选题】 — Its very windy and dusty in Beijing . —Well, more trees______ every year to stop the wind and sand.
①  should plant
②  should planted
③  can planted
④  must be planted
【单选题】 Notonly______ apromise,butalsohekeptit.
①  did his parents make
②  his parents made
③  does his parents make
④  has his parents made
【单选题】 __When can I come for the repaired computers? I need them tomorrow afternoon. __They______ be ready by 12:00.
①  should
②  might
③  need
④  can
【单选题】 Little______ , but we’re flying to Beijing next weekend to celebrate his birthday.
①  does he know
②  he knows
③  knows him
④  did he know
【单选题】 Not only______ a pay increase, they want reduced hours as well.
①  the workers wanted
②  did the workers want
③  the workers want
④  do the workers want