【单选题】 小儿热速清口服液用于()。
①  小儿痱毒
②  口舌生疮
③  风热感冒
④  痰饮咳喘
⑤  脘腹胀满
【单选题】 治疗小儿外感风寒、肺胃蕴热证,症见发热恶寒、鼻塞流涕、咳嗽有痰、咽喉肿痛、口渴,宜选()。
①  正柴胡饮颗粒
②  解肌宁嗽丸
③  小儿热速清口服液
④  儿感清口服液
⑤  感冒清热颗粒
【单选题】 小儿咳喘灵口服液功能宣肺清热,还能()。
①  清热解毒
②  退热
③  消积
④  疏散风热
⑤  止咳祛痰
【单选题】 小儿肺卫热盛所致的喉痹、乳蛾宜选()。
①  清胃黄连丸
②  小儿咽扁颗粒
③  儿感清口服液
④  新雪颗粒
⑤  黄连上清片
【单选题】 止嗽定喘口服液的功能是()。
①  益气补肺,温肾纳气
②  降气化痰,润肠通便
③  解表化饮,止咳平喘
④  辛凉宣泄,清肺平喘
⑤  泻肺除壅,利气平喘
【单选题】 治小儿风寒外束,肺经痰热证,宜选()。
①  清宣止咳颗粒
②  解肌宁嗽丸
③  小儿咳喘灵颗粒
④  儿童清肺丸
⑤  儿感清口服液
【单选题】 治小儿湿热蕴结大肠所致的泄泻,症见大便稀薄如水样、腹痛、纳差,宜选()。
①  香连丸
②  启脾丸
③  止泻灵颗粒
④  小儿泻速停颗粒
⑤  参苓白术散
【单选题】 既能用于外感风热时毒、火毒内盛所致高热不退、咽喉肿痛等,也可用于上呼吸道感染、病毒性感冒、急性咽炎等的中成药是()。
①  苏合香丸
②  紫雪散
③  清开灵口服液(胶囊、软胶囊、颗粒、滴丸、片、泡腾片)
④  安宫牛黄丸
⑤  万氏牛黄清心丸
【单选题】 用于小儿风寒外束、肺经痰热所致的面赤身热、咳嗽气促、痰多粘稠、咽痛声哑的是()。
①  小儿退热口服液
②  健脾消食丸
③  小儿化毒散
④  儿童清肺丸
⑤  小儿咽扁颗粒
【单选题】 具有解表清热,宣肺化痰,用于小儿外感风寒、肺胃蕴热证的药物是()。
①  解肌宁嗽丸
②  肥儿宝颗粒
③  健脾康儿片
④  儿感清口服液
⑤  小儿热速清口服液
【单选题】 A: Could you put the books on bookshelves, please? B: Of course. [填空] A: Thats all. Everything else has been done.
①  Its a pleasure to help.
②  Is that all?
③  Im free now.
④  How should I do it?
【单选题】 A: Ive got a really bad cough. B: [填空]
①  Why are you so careless about yourself?
②  This kind of thing happens to everyone.
③  You should take good care of yourself.
④  Oh, thats too bad. Why dont you take some aspirin?
【单选题】 A: I have booked a single room for today and tomorrow. B: [填空].
①  Thats all right
②  Ill check
③  Im sure
④  I know
【单选题】 A: What does your father do? B: [填空].
①  He is cleaning the street
②  He is fifty
③  He is a worker
④  He is all right
【单选题】 A: Did you use to play the violin? B: [填空].
①  Yes, I do
②  No, I didnt
③  Yes, I play it every day.
④  No, I do
【单选题】 A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past? B: [填空].
①  Well, I apologize. I got all excited
②  I guess it doesnt matter that much
③  Oh well, its done now. I cant help
④  I dont think you should complain
【单选题】 A: Can you keep an eye on my bag? B: [填空] A: No. Im going to the bathroom.
①  Sure. What is it?
②  Sure. Will you be long?
③  Oh. Do you want a favor?
④  Go ahead. No problem.
【单选题】 A: Hello. May I speak to John, please? B: Speaking. A: [填空]
①  How do you do?
②  Glad to hear your voice.
③  Fine, thats good
④  Hi, John. This is Linda
【单选题】 A: I am not interested in fishing. B: [填空].
①  I do too.
②  Arent you?
③  Neither am I.
④  So am I.
【单选题】 A: Shall we go out for dinner tonight? B: [填空].
①  You are right
②  Have a nice time
③  Thats a good idea
④  My pleasure