【单选题】 银翘散中具有疏散风热,清利头目,且可解毒利咽配伍意义的药对是( )
①  薄荷、牛蒡子
②  荆芥穗、淡豆豉
③  芦根、竹叶
④  芦根、 生甘草
【单选题】 双黄连颗粒既能清热解毒,又能()。
①  发汗解表
②  宣肺泄热
③  疏风解表
④  宣肺止咳
⑤  解热止痛
【多选题】 牛蒡子炒后
①  缓和寒滑之性,以免伤中
②  长于解毒透疹,利咽散结,化痰止咳
③  破酶保苷
④  果皮破裂
⑤  易于煎出有效成分
【单选题】 既能化湿,又能解暑的药物是:( )
①  苍术、厚朴
②  藿香、佩兰
③  砂仁、白豆蔻
④  橘皮、青皮
⑤  茯苓、玉竹
【单选题】 既能解郁安神,又能活血消肿的药物是()。
①  柏子仁
②  合欢皮
③  远志
④  夜交藤
⑤  龙骨
【单选题】 桑叶与菊花除疏散风热明目外,还均有的功效是()。
①  润肺
②  平肝
③  止血
④  止咳
⑤  解毒
【单选题】 既能清热解毒,又能清肺化痰的药物是()。
①  蟾酥
②  硼砂
③  毛茛
④  大蒜
⑤  砒石
【多选题】 既能清实热,又能退虚热的药物是( )
①  知母
②  牡丹皮
③  青蒿
④  秦艽
⑤  黄柏
【单选题】 下列不属于炒牛蒡子炮制作用的是( )。
①  易于煎出有效成分
②  产生香气,宣散作用更佳
③  杀酶保苷,利于苷类成分的保存
④  产生止血、止泻作用
⑤  缓和寒滑之性,以免伤中
【单选题】 既能平息内风,又能祛除外风的药物为( )
①  钩藤
②  天麻
③  羚羊角
④  珍珠母
⑤  石决明
【单选题】 —When ____ the show ____?—It begins at 7 o’clock this evening.
①  does--begin
②  will--begin
③  is--beginning
④  is--going to begin
【单选题】 5. ____ come to this university, you need to get very good grades at the end of secondary school.
①  So you can
②  For you
③  In order to
④  To be able
【单选题】 Finding it difficult to ____ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the North. ?
①  adopt ?
②  adapt ?
③  fit ?
④  suit?
【单选题】 If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an ____ with him first.
①  admission
②  agreement
③  appointment
④  argument
【单选题】 Idlikearoom ____ windowslookoutoverthesea.
①  that
②  which
③  what
④  whose
【单选题】 I noticed her ____ a pen from the ground.
①  to pick out
②  to pick up
③  pick out
④  pick up
【单选题】 The decision to quit school at that young age is, ____, the most stupid thing I have ever done.
①  by comparison
②  in retrospect
③  at first sight
④  at times
【单选题】 Hed had more than enough practice to become a(n ) ____.
①  special
②  skill
③  profession
④  expert
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 She is studying medical science now, but she ____ a lawyer.
①  would be
②  used to be
③  formerly were
④  had been