【单选题】 温中止痛,又能杀虫止痒的药物是()。
①  吴茱萸
②  丁香
③  肉桂
④  花椒
⑤  小茴香
【单选题】 小活络丸的功能除祛风散寒,活血止痛外,还有()。
①  祛湿通络
②  强筋壮骨
③  温经散寒
④  滋补肝肾
⑤  化痰除湿
【单选题】 既能温经止血,又可散寒止痛的药物是
①  荔枝核
②  艾叶
③  桂枝
④  白及
⑤  高良姜
【单选题】 能温经止血,温中止痛的药物是()。
①  桂枝
②  炮姜
③  生姜
④  棕榈炭
⑤  高良姜
【单选题】 既温中散寒,又回阳通脉、温肺化饮的药物是()。
①  肉桂
②  附子
③  花椒
④  干姜
⑤  吴茱萸
【判断题】 肉桂具有温脾肾之阳,散寒止痛,温通血脉,引火归元的作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 醋制后缓和辛散、增强疏肝理气止痛作用,并能消积化滞的药物是
①  延胡索
②  香附
③  三棱
④  郁金
⑤  艾叶
【单选题】 芎菊上清丸除散风止痛外,又能()。
①  通络止痛
②  清热解表
③  养血平肝
④  益气解表
⑤  疏风活血
【单选题】 下列哪项药理作用与干姜"温中散寒"功效无关( )
①  强心
②  胃肠解痉
③  止吐
④  抗炎、镇痛
⑤  增强胃肠消化机能
【单选题】 与温里药"助阳气"功效有关的药理作用是( )
①  镇痛
②  抗心律失常
③  平喘
④  抗炎
⑤  强心、扩张血管、增加血流量
【单选题】 I want go to New York. What’s the fare?
①  Pardon me?
②  I’m sorry
③  Yes, I don’t understand
④  I’m not understanding
【单选题】 If you need more information, please contact us __________ telephone or email.
①  in
②  by
③  on
④  for
【单选题】 I’d like to book a flight to Shanghai, please.
①  No, of course not
②  Do you mind if I said no?
③  Yes, sir, single or return?
④  You can’t. We are busy
【单选题】 If I had remembered __________ the window, the thief would not have got in.
①  to close
②  closing
③  to have closed
④  having closed
【单选题】 Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?
①  Yes, you may borrow
②  Yes, go on
③  Yes, help yourself
④  It doesn’t matter
【单选题】 What a rainy summer we’ve had! --Yes, there only three sunny weekends the whole summer.
①  have been
②  are
③  had been
④  has been
【单选题】 James plans to __________ offers from other companies before making a decision.
①  explode
②  expand
③  expose
④  explore
【单选题】 This record will help your safety officer ----what the problem is
①  bring up
②  put on
③  find out
④  take in
【单选题】 Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
①  how
②  who
③  what
④  that
【单选题】 - Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school?
①  Well, no, you’re going in the wrong direction
②  No, don’t ask me
③  No, I don’t know
④  Don’t go this way