【单选题】 耳聋左慈丸的主治是()。
①  肝阳上亢所致的耳鸣耳聋
②  阴虚内热所致的耳鸣耳聋
③  外感风寒所致的耳鸣耳聋
④  肝胆湿热所致的耳聋耳鸣
⑤  肝肾阴虚所致的耳鸣耳聋
【单选题】 某男,62岁,症见耳鸣耳聋、头晕目眩,证属肝肾阴虚,宜选用的成药是()。
①  杞菊地黄丸
②  龙胆泻肝丸
③  六味地黄丸
④  耳聋左慈丸
⑤  耳聋丸
【单选题】 耳聋丸除利湿通窍外,又能()。
①  滋补肾阴
②  聪耳明目
③  补益肝肾
④  遗精填髓
⑤  清肝泻火
【单选题】 解表清里剂常用中成药葛根芩连丸的功能是()。
①  解肌透表,清热解毒,利湿止泻
②  解表化湿,理气和中
③  解表通里,清热解毒
④  疏风解表,散寒除湿
⑤  疏透表邪,清热解毒
【单选题】 麻仁丸的主治是()。
①  肝胆火旺所致的便秘
②  高热后阴津亏损所致的便秘
③  阴虚火旺所致的便秘
④  胃肠积滞所致的便秘
⑤  肠热津亏所致的便秘
【单选题】 地榆槐角丸的主治是()。
①  轻度水、火烫伤,疮疡肿痛,创面溃烂
②  痰湿凝滞所致的瘰疬
③  脾肾阳虚、痰瘀互结所致的阴疽
④  痰气凝滞所致的瘰疬、瘿瘤、乳岩、乳癖
⑤  脏腑实热、大肠火盛所致的肠风便血、痔疮肛瘘
【单选题】 牛黄醒消丸的主治是( )。
①  热毒壅盛所致的疮疡
②  热毒瘀滞肌肤所致疮疡肿痛、丹毒流注
③  热毒蕴结所致的溃疡
④  热毒郁滞、痰瘀互结所致的痈疽发背、瘰疬流注
⑤  热毒蕴结肌肤所致的疮疡
【单选题】 理中丸主治证是( )
①  脾胃虚寒证
②  虚寒腹痛证
③  脾胃气虚证
④  虚寒呕吐证
【多选题】 肾气丸的主治有( )
①  肾阳虚
②  痰饮
③  水肿
④  消渴、转胞
【单选题】 下列关于葛根芩连丸说法错误的是()。
①  还可以用于风热感冒所致的发热恶风
②  黄芩、黄连苦寒清泄,善清热解毒、燥湿止痢,二者相须为用,为臣药
③  葛根既解表清热,又升发脾胃清阳之气而治泄泻,为君药
④  全方配伍,外疏内清,表里同治
⑤  由葛根、黄芩、黄连三味药组成
【单选题】 Jack, the boss, asked Steven to leave — ____, she was filed.?
①  whats more ?
②  in addition?
③  on the contrary ?
④  D. in other words ?
【单选题】 He’s never again written ____ as his first one.
①  so good a book
②  such good a book
③  such good book
④  so a good book
【单选题】 “Where do you suggest going?” “We promised ____ the children to the West Lake.”
①  taking
②  to take
③  taken
④  took
【单选题】 Don’t be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. ?
①  strange ?
②  amusing ?
③  curious ?
④  conscious?
【单选题】 To their surprise, they had much ____ and they even went to the same college. ?
①  in the same ?
②  in common ?
③  all the same ?
④  common things ?
【单选题】 ____ little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!
①  If I had got up
②  If only I get up
③  If only I had got up
④  If I got up
【单选题】 My son is Andy. My brother’s son is Ben. Andy and Ben are ____.
①  nephews
②  cousins
③  brothers
④  nieces
【单选题】 Education and medical care are very ____ in theUnited States.
①  much
②  cheap
③  many
④  expensive
【单选题】 Since the road is wet this morning, ____ last night. ?
①  it must have rained ?
②  ?it must rain ?
③  it must be raining ?
④  it must have been rained?
【单选题】 The factory is said ____ in a fire two years ago.
①  to have destroyed
②  to be destroyed
③  to destroy
④  to have been destroyed