【单选题】 小儿化食丸除消食化滞外,还能()。
①  祛痰通便
②  健脾和胃
③  泻火通便
④  驱虫
⑤  清热解毒
【单选题】 小儿消食片除消食化滞外,又能()。
①  祛痰止咳
②  健脾和胃
③  泻火通便
④  健脾止泻
⑤  渗湿止泻
【单选题】 具有健脾养胃,消食止泻的作用,用于小儿腹胀便泄、面黄肌瘦、食少倦怠、小便短少的药物是()。
①  健脾康儿片
②  肥儿宝颗粒
③  健脾消食丸
④  止泻灵颗粒
⑤  小儿泻速停颗粒
【单选题】 下列关于肥儿丸叙述错误的是()。
①  健胃消积
②  用于脾虚气弱者
③  一般服药不超过三日
④  驱虫
⑤  用于小儿消化不良
【单选题】 六合定中丸除和中消食外,又能()。
①  清热解毒
②  祛风胜湿
③  益气生津
④  祛暑除湿
⑤  辟瘟解毒
【单选题】 开胃健脾丸的功能是()。
①  开胃和中
②  补气健脾
③  健脾燥湿
④  燥湿健脾
⑤  健脾和胃
【单选题】 口服小儿麻痹糖丸是为了预防()
①  肺结核
②  麻疹
③  脊髓灰质炎
④  天花
【单选题】 理中丸主治证是( )
①  脾胃虚寒证
②  虚寒腹痛证
③  脾胃气虚证
④  虚寒呕吐证
【单选题】 服健脾消食药时,注意( )。
①  宜少食生冷酸味食物
②  不宜吃生冷助寒类的食物
③  不宜吃辛辣助热类的食物
④  不宜吃油腻类不易消化的食物
【多选题】 理中丸可以治疗的病证有 ( )
①  脾胃虚寒证
②  阳虚失血证
③  小儿慢惊
④  胸痹
【单选题】 -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? ____.
①  It’s OK with me
②  It doesnt matter
③  Don’t be sorry
④  I don’t care
【单选题】 The room was so quiet that she could hear the____ of her heart.
①  hitting
②  beating
③  hurting
④  striking
【单选题】 ____ the water sports — sailing, rowing, diving and swimming, I like rowing best. ?
①  At all ?
②  Above all ?
③  Of all ?
④  After all?
【单选题】 In ____ recent years, Niagara Fallshave come to be appreciated more for their natural beauty as _______ wonder of nature.
①  the; a
②  the; the
③  /; the
④  /; a
【单选题】 He is ____, but his wife is _____.?
①  awake…asleep ?
②  awake…sleep ?
③  waking…asleep ?
④  wake…asleep ?
【单选题】 By the end of last month, she ____ over five hundred letters of congratulation from different parts of the world.
①  would received
②  has received
③  had received
④  receive
【单选题】 Mr. Downham asked the public their views on the two subjects currently ____ discussion.
①  with
②  at
③  to
④  under
【单选题】 People just say it out of politeness and they don’t really ____ it. ?
①  realize ?
②  mean ?
③  think ?
④  regard?
【单选题】 —Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.—I ____ .
①  don’t
②  won’t
③  can’t
④  haven’t
【单选题】 Fortunately, Jack was only slightly injured in the traffic ____ .
①  incident
②  event
③  case
④  accident