【单选题】 茵栀黄口服液除清热解毒外,又能()。
①  化气利水
②  利湿通淋
③  利湿退黄
④  利尿通淋
⑤  利水消肿
【单选题】 芩连片除具有清热解毒功能外,还具有的功能是()。
①  利尿通便
②  消肿止痛
③  泻火通便
④  散风止痛
⑤  解毒消肿
【判断题】 清热解毒的常用代表方是清骨散
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 牛黄至宝丸除具有清热解毒功能外,还具有的功能是()。
①  消肿止痛
②  散风止痛
③  利尿通便
④  解毒消肿
⑤  泻火通便
【单选题】 癃清片除清热解毒外,又能()。
①  益肾活血
②  凉血通淋
③  利湿通淋
④  止血通淋
⑤  清热通淋
【单选题】 下列具有解表通里,清热解毒功能的中成药是()。
①  双清口服液
②  防风通圣丸
③  双黄连口服液
④  银翘解毒丸
⑤  葛根芩连丸
【单选题】 双黄连颗粒既能清热解毒,又能()。
①  发汗解表
②  宣肺泄热
③  疏风解表
④  宣肺止咳
⑤  解热止痛
【判断题】 葡萄酒的养生功效是清热解毒。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 具有清热利咽,解毒止痛,用于小儿肺卫热盛所致的喉痹、乳蛾的是()。
①  小儿咽扁颗粒
②  小儿消食片
③  儿感清口服液
④  健脾消食丸
⑤  肥儿宝颗粒
【单选题】 既能清热解毒,又能清肺化痰的药物是()。
①  蟾酥
②  硼砂
③  毛茛
④  大蒜
⑤  砒石
【单选题】 The pavilions of each country at the World Expo can reveal the ( ) cultures of the world.
①  diversity
②  diversify
③  divert
④  diverse
【单选题】 His ( ) as a social worker brings him much thinking of the meaning of life and charity.
①  job
②  profession
③  work
④  career
【单选题】 He denied that his country wants to () Europe.
①  dominate
②  control
③  document
④  domestic
【单选题】 It may also () morale and mutual trust.
①  undermine
②  unique
③  under
④  use
【单选题】 Everyone must() his share of the responsibility to protect the environment.
①  assumed
②  assume
③  assuming
④  assumptive
【单选题】 Much importance should be ( ) to physical and mental health of students, which, however, is often neglected.
①  attached
②  detached
③  stressed
④  thrown
【单选题】 Our master, who is an experienced teacher, is expert in ( ) students to seek knowledge themselves.
①  discouraging
②  criticizing
③  motivating
④  forcing
【单选题】 As pioneers, ( ) from around the globe are making deep-space journeys.
①  astronauts
②  astronomers
③  astrophysicist
④  astrologers
【单选题】 My daughter is really fond of the ( ) of the curtain in her bedroom which she chose herself.
①  drawing
②  pattern
③  style
④  design
【单选题】 They?()to have a 40%?worldwide?market?share.
①  clean
②  want
③  claim
④  classify