( )是指园长在举办者和教育行政部门的领导下,根据《幼儿园工作规程》负责领导全园工作。
【单选题】 《幼儿园工作规程》规定,幼儿园实行( )负责制。
①  领导
②  教师
③  园长
④  家长
【判断题】 园长负责制明确了园长对于幼儿园工作有最高行政权。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 园长负责制的基本含义不包括( )。
①  教职工参与民主管理
②  园长负责制
③  党的基层组织的保障监督
④  家长参与幼儿园建设
【单选题】 高校实行党委领导下的()负责制。
①  书记
②  校长
③  委员会
④  常委会
【单选题】 园长负责制实施的困境不包括( )。
①  缺乏自主权决策权和财权
②  权力过大
③  缺乏约束
④  缺乏目标
【单选题】 要健全高校()领导下的校长负责制。
①  党委
②  中央
③  宣传
④  政委
【判断题】 我国新闻机构三种运行模式是指社长负责制、总编辑负责制、台长负责制。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 校长负责制的性质是( )
①  个人负责制
②  集体负责制
③  三位一体制
④  集体领导与个人负责结合制
【单选题】 幼儿园班级管理实行( )负责制。
①  班长
②  组长
③  保育员
④  教师
【判断题】 实行校长负责制削弱了党的领导。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 he children  ()  many times not to play with fire.
①  told
②  have told
③  have been told
④  are being told
【单选题】 _______ girl dressed _______ black is her sister Rose.
①  A; in
②  A; on
③  The; on
④  The; in
【单选题】 Spitting on the ground is not only ______ but also harmful to others’ health.
①  blasting
②  banging
③  grabbing
④  disgusting
【单选题】 It was on the beach ______ Miss White found the kid lying dead.
①  that
②  this
③  it
④  which
【单选题】 The old houses are being pulled down to _______ a new office block.
①  make room for
②  make use of
③  take the place of
④  supply with
【单选题】 It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.
①  however
②  whatever
③  whichever
④  whenever
【单选题】 Those who have applied for the post()in the office.
①  are being interviewed
②  are interviewing
③  interviewing
④  to be interviewing
【单选题】 As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ____ it.
①  postpone
②  refuse
③  delay
④  cancel
【单选题】 establish a __________
①  new product
②  public company
③  sole trader
④  limited company
【单选题】 If one ()  by vanity, he will be very particular about other’s clothing and appearance.
①  overcomes
②  is overcome
③  overcame
④  has been overcame