( )不是儿童的气质类型。
【单选题】 多血质、胆汁质、抑郁质、黏液质四种气质类型,是由古希腊哪个学者提出?
①  恩培多克勒
②  希波克拉底
③  盖伦
④  亚里斯多德
【判断题】 古希腊医生希波克拉底将气质分为四类:胆汁质、多血质、黏液质、抑郁质。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 人的气质可以分为四种基本类型,即粘液质、抑郁质、多血质以及(  )
①  独立质
②  严谨质
③  兴奋质
④  胆汁质
【判断题】 黏液质和抑郁质的人比多血质和胆汁质的人更容易形成自制力的性格特征。该说法( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大多数管理者属于胆汁质气质类型。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 适合外交人员工作的气质类型是抑郁质。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 气质类型中多血质的主要行为特征(  )。
①  缓慢稳重
②  小心迟疑
③  精力充沛
④  胆量较大
【单选题】 以下职业与胆汁质的气质特点不匹配的是( )。
①  出纳员
②  导游
③  推销员
④  演员
【单选题】 典型胆汁质不包括()的特征。
①  缺乏自制力
②  易怒
③  生硬急躁
④  刻板
【单选题】 气质类型中粘液质的主要行为特征是()。
①  敏捷活泼
②  小心迟疑
③  缓慢稳定
④  迅猛急躁
【单选题】 气质类型中粘液质的主要行为特征是?
①  敏捷活泼
②  小心迟疑
③  缓慢稳定
④  迅猛急躁
【单选题】 John was going to _______ Mary by telling his friends how much weight she had gained.
①  essential
②  embarrass
③  elementary
④  consider
【单选题】 The classroom is quite clean ____ some waste paper on the floor.
①  without
②  besides
③  except
④  except for
【单选题】 -- What day is today?-- Today is ______ .
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 All the men were under heavy____ working day and night
①  prize
②  rain
③  pressure
④  reward
【单选题】 —I’ve got an offer in New York. —Oh, ____! But I’m going to miss you.
①  That’s too bad
②  I’m sorry
③  I beg your pardon
④  That’s great
【单选题】 The ____child was learning to walk again gradually.
①  broken
②  harmed
③  injured
④  enable
【单选题】 You never told us why you were one hour late for the last meeting, ____?
①  weren’t you
②  didn’t you
③  have you
④  did you
【单选题】 Rapid reading means reading something fast just to ____ the general idea.
①  master
②  seize
③  grasp
④  imagine
【单选题】 Theexperimentwas____easierthanwehadexpected.
①  much
②  much more
③  more
④  more much
【单选题】 _______ he tried his best, he still failed the examination.
①  Although
②  Even although
③  However
④  Because