( )是指除了操作系统软件、大型公司开发的商业应用软件之外的一些应用软件。
【判断题】 计算机软件系统又分为系统软件和应用软件两大类,操作系统是系统软件的核心。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 系统软件与应用软件的相互关系是()
①  前者以后者为基础
②  后者以前者为基础
③  相互没有关系
④  相互支持
【单选题】 计算机软件分为系统软件和应用软件两大类,下列各项中不属于系统软件的是______。
①  操作系统
②  办公软件
③  数据库管理系统
④  系统支持和服务程序
【单选题】 会计软件是基于( )的应用软件
①  操作系统
②  数据库系统
③  应用系统
④  办公系统
【多选题】 应用软件是指针对特定用户或者某一特定用途的软件。以下软件属于()应用软件。
①  WindowsNT
②  Excel
③  WPS
④  Unix
【单选题】 PLC的软件是其工作所用各种程序的组合,包括系统软件和应用软件。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 计算机软件一般分为系统软件和应用软件两大类,不属于系统软件的是哪个?
①  操作系统
②  数据库管理系统
③  客户管理系统
④  语言处理程序
【判断题】 计算机软件系统分为系统软件和应用软件两大部分( )。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 计算机应用软件是指___
①  所有能够用于计算机的软件
②  操作系统
③  专门为解决某个应用领域的总体任务而编制的软件
④  各种标准的子程序
【单选题】 下列软件中,属于应用软件的是( )。
①  Office2010
②  Windows XP
③  Linux
④  Unix
【单选题】 All the flights _____because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 _____, she led a life of complete seclusion.
①  Being disgraced
②  Disgraced
③  Disgracing
④  She was disgraced
【单选题】 Jane tried to _____the doorman with money, but she failed.
①  bribe
②  corrupt
③  award
④  endow
【单选题】 We should always keep in mind that _____decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
①  hasty
②  instant
③  prompt
④  rapid
【单选题】 People under stress have performed _____feats of strength, like lifting an automobile off an accident victim.
①  specific
②  extraordinary
③  abrupt
④  abnormal
【单选题】 Operations which left patients _____and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
①  exhausted
②  unhealthy
③  upset
④  fearful
【单选题】 Outside my office window there is a fire _____on the right.
①  escape
②  ladder
③  steps
④  stairs
【单选题】 The fox fell into the _____the hunter had set for it.
①  bush
②  trap
③  trick
④  circle
【单选题】 You should know better than _____your little sister at home by herself.
①  to leave
②  leaving
③  to have left
④  left
【单选题】 The reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it _____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.
①  was turned out
②  was being turned out
③  being turned out
④  turned out