【单选题】 教材第195页表7—1中,产品组合D的长度是( )。
①  6
②  8
③  5
④  34
【单选题】 Excel2010的D5单元格中公式为=SUM(D1:D4),删除第2行后,原单元格的公式将调整为_____。
①  #VALUF!
②  =SUM(D1:D4)
③  =SUM(D2:D4)
④  =SUM(D1:D3)
【单选题】 202.102.第5章PowerPoint.2第3章Word是(? ?)类IP地址。
①  A
②  B
③  C
④  D
【单选题】 舌的发育始于第()周
①  2
②  3
③  4
④  5
⑤  6
【单选题】 在Excel2010中,第4行第3列的地址是_
①  C4
②  D3
③  C3
④  D4
【单选题】 某工程网络计划中,工作F的最早开始时间为第11天,持续时间为5天;工作F有三项紧后工作,它们的最早开始时间分别为第20天、第22天和第23天,最迟开始时间分别为第21天、24天和第27天。则工作F的总时差和自由时差分别为( )天。
①  5;4
②  5;5
③  4;4
④  11;7
【多选题】 《专利法》第2条第3款:“实用新型,是指对产品的()。” (5分)
①  A. 形状
②  B. 构造
③  C. 设计
④  D. 其结合所提出的适于实用的新的技术方案
【单选题】 当前工作表的第7行、第4列,其单元格地址为( )。
①  74
②  D7
③  7D
④  G4
【单选题】 当前工作表的第7行、第4列,其单元格地址为( )。
①  74
②  D7
③  E7
④  G4
【单选题】 当前工作表的第7行、第4列,其单元格地址为( )。
①  74
②  D7
③  E7
④  G4
【单选题】 ___ is no possibility ___ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
①  There; that
②  It; that
③  There; whether
④  It; whether
【单选题】 Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, ___ at the other store.
①  anyone
②  the others
③  that
④  the ones
【单选题】 Energy is ___ makes thing work.
①  what
②  something
③  anything
④  that
【单选题】 The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ___ he would die of the disease.
①  that
②  which
③  of which
④  of that
【单选题】 These plastic flowers look so ___ that many people think they are real.
①  beautiful
②  natural
③  artificial
④  similar
【单选题】 It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a central_____ must be taken by scientists and technologists.
①  process
②  attention
③  measure
④  part
【单选题】 When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above ___.
①  average
②  ordinary
③  regular
④  normal
【单选题】 ___ he does has nothing to do with me.
①  Whatever
②  No matter what
③  That
④  If
【单选题】 When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had ___ to visit London on business.
①  opportunity
②  possibility
③  occasion
④  chance
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about